Why not? If your GDKP run functions off trading mats, blizzard has lots of those mats being sent by mail, at the very least. They should also have chat logs from within the instances. There are other ideas and ways.
This whole “players will circumvent it and the ban will be useless” isn’t a point against banning GDKP. It’s a prediction of players abusing systems, while assuming blizzard didn’t think of this.
even then i would pay to see a gdkp runner trying to split up the pot of 63 lotus, 50 faps, a stack of mongoose elixirs, and some winter squid between 40 people
and even if you centralize around one good you better hope your pot ends up being an evenly divisible number or payouts will just become a total mess.
theres a reason we use money instead of the barter system in the real world
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Right, but what I am saying is that it would be best for Blizzard to even narrow it down just a little bit to make sure they are clear as to their understanding of what constitutes a GDKP. Again, ticket runs are fundamentally different, but in the same vein.
I am just as against GDKP and ticket runs as the next guy advocate for no more GDKP, but it not being defined in black and white leads to too much gray area imo. It probably encompasses ticket runs, but I would like to know for sure so I am not reporting it if it is not against the new TOS for SoD.
I don’t think it’s crazy to ask for a clearer definition.
Yes. You part of the group, you part of the rewards. You are trying to make this too complicated. Dps is dependent on blizzard balancing more often than not. Was the person doing dispels or some mechanic that bri ge their dos down to help the raid kill the boss? Did they die to being low on health and the other top dps was also low but got a heal that the first guy didn’t? I can go on and on. Don’t overthink it.
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Turns out carries prefer a loot system that isn’t like that. Now lower parsing players will just struggle to find runs much more because there will be less raids and they will be more exclusive.
Parsing is relative to your own class so blizz balancing isn’t really factor here.
If they die constantly they are undergeared, don’t know the fights, and didn’t consume
and it’s going to bring back players like me who got tired of the p2w GDKP meta. Your point of view is not the only one. This will solve a lot of the gold buying and botting issues.
the only way to solve that would be for blizzard to add the wow token to SoD, the same way they added it to classic wotlk and retail.
Have you ran GDKPs as buyer, hybrid, and carry?
You may be disappointed
Don’t pretend to care about the whales.
I’d guess like 5% of buyers are whales.
Then all your concern trolling about lower parsers only covers 5%? Gotcha. Only 5% will not be able to find raid groups.
Even though they did it long before GDKP was rampant, and before it was even remotely a thing.
And will continue to do so with the ban.
5% of buyers are whales, 95% of buyers are just low parsers, alts, new players. etc.
A whale is someone with a ton of gold (whether illicit or not) they are quite rare.
Who still got groups and completed content before GDKPs were running rampant. Whya re you pretending they won’t after? It literally contradicts what we’ve seen happen.
Groups will still happen plenty.
However there will be less carries in the raid pool. Thus there will be less total groups and so each available slot will be more competitive.
Why would SR / MS > OS take gray parser when there are multiple higher parsers with better gear that are also interested to join the group.
The carries that used to help buyers in GDKPs will now probably only raid with themselves in guild runs and not allow any unknown pugs to join.
And your concern trolling still isn’t helping you. Yet again: these players you’re pretending to be concerned over managed before GDKP, and will after.
So? You act as if that’s a problem. Even though it’s how it worked before GDKPs. And again, the lower parsers still managed. Or do you not remember the before times?
I am not concerned, I am just discussing the impacts I think will happen.
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While ignoring the fact your doomsday prediction didn’t happen when GDKPs didn’t exist. So your wishful thinking is clearly based on your desires, not actual reality.
Well most players - even in recent vanilla - never cleared naxx.
Many players bought gold.
And quite a few struggled to get raid spots.
There was never a doomsday, nor am i predicting one. I am comparing the game with GDKPs and without. The differences are not going to be massive, it is a loot system.
Oh honey…do you actually think classic was the first incarnation of vanilla? You DO realize how long this game has existed, right?