If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

Yes I do know some as well, but the bad ones still exist.

So now instead of signing up for a GDKP to which, I know the rules (since they have always been the same, and aside from role cuts, are mostly the same between groups)

I have to go into a PUG MS>OS and ask the raid leader to explain what MS>OS means? I have to interview the raid leader about what items are BiS and if he understands how certain specs work etc.


Great way to bond with new players when you PUG

This is an amazing example of being obtuse on purpose and shows how disconnected you are from any other form of loot system. Seems to stem from arrogance. People know what is BiS and what items are good for what role, if they give you push back, find another run or make one.


At most, you maybe need to ask the raid lead “hey you know the caster dagger is MS for warriors right?” Before you join.

Doesn’t seem very hard

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That is not the case in many groups.

Kelris spellpower dagger is warrior offhand BiS. a lot of players dont know that/refuse to acknowledge that as a main spec item for warriors.

Yes, I can find a new group. But why do i need to? GDKP removes that need entirely.

Have you ever played wow at a time when GDKPs didn’t exist? We dealt with this all the time pugging, and we still cleared content and got loot.

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By the way, this is how we used to recruit people to guilds. So yeah, it wasn’t a bad way to bond.

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Is your argument now evolving into an argument based around convenience? If so I can rattle off a list of QOL systems classic servers don’t have. Since we want to talk about valuing convenience.

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If I am not running with my guild I run almost exclusively in MS>OS. Your readiness to resort to “Everyone who runs these is dumb” shows your lack of knowledge with these type of runs.

The chance of this happening can go down by joining a guild or creating your own run.
I have not run into this situation happening near as often as you are inferring. Seems like it’s being used as an excuse.

To be able to get the thing you want?

Ironic since GDKP is being removed entirely.


Idk it seems there is like a 80:20 ratio in favor to have GDKP. I’ve never seen discord chats, in-game chats and WoW forums explode in oppression to something Blizzard has changed before. I think the majority of the community is outraged in this new GDKP ban test. My biggest take-away from this new ban is that this now opens the door to an impulse-manic like behavior that will not only make Blizzard ruin the game in other ways but will lead Classic-WoW rereleases into a more Retail-esc game. 1 step forward, 10 steps back. It’s only down hill from here with SoD

Why are you framing the decision this way? Are you intending to frame the decision as a rushed, brash decision without forethought?

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That certainly is an opinion you presented with nothing tangible to back it up. My anecdotal experience is opposite yours easily 80:20 in favor of removing GDKP.

RDF says hello.
Either way people who are unhappy are more likely to voice that unhappiness than those who are content with the change. The largest threads on this are multi-posts from the same people and cannot be used to accurately gauge a sample size.

Almost like you only say this because you disagree and didn’t read the blue post on the topic that outlined why and what pretty well.

for you maybe. I am having a blast.

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Alternatives to GDKP:

Soft Res runs
Guild runs (loot council/suicide kings/DKP/thatsmybis/etc)
Ticket runs (unless this falls under GDKP :thinking:)

There are other options I am sure.

No I actually think a lot of thought was put into this, just not handled/introduced properly. They actually have the ability to completely remove 99% of RMT from the game and they don’t do it bc it will effect them in a negative way as a business even if it’s only -1%. I am saying its an impulse bc they are doing it abruptly without the thought of future repercussions. It is also very clear that the majority of the community did not want this, only a vocal minority did. IN WHICH Blizz approached it in a way that they “cut the head of the hydra off” not knowing that more heads will grow etc

Ticket runs would almost certainly fall under the policy, yes.

Tell me you buy gold without telling me you buy gold

It’s a bit vague and maybe Blizz should clarify it. I would hope they would be banned.

It’s like these people literally cannot fathom or compute having to farm :dracthyr_crylaugh:


If you reduce the activities that drive up the need for gold, it makes less sense for you gold buyers to buy gold.

Not to mention, the inflation should come down greatly. Blizzard really should have acted sooner as there is already outrageous AH prices still. Necks with 1 stam 7 spirit cost 17g? lol

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It’s really not, policy says awarding items for gold, if you pay to be taken on a run then are handed loot, that is what you are doing

I always see you on post and you have nothing but negative feedback and very low comprehension/critical thinking skills. I want you to argue your stances with valuable statements before typing @ me next time, otherwise you will not receive a reply from me and any continuation of spam will just have you blocked on here from me. But I would like to have good discourse with you my friend , ie: if i say the sky is blue and you think it is red then you just say that instead of arguing your point. The way a discussion works is if someone states something and you reply the contrast then you have to provide evidence, not the reverse