If you're banning GDKP, what alternative solution are you offering?

even if a cs rep did tell you that at some point… this is not a court of law, blizz has wide discretion and can bonk you for whatever they want, they do not have to go through a process to change their policies.

if they decide gdkps are banned and they now want to start banning people for handing large amounts of currency around in a raid, they can indeed just do that


They were shouting to the hills that ‘GDKP was here to stay’ and now they’re sweating being on the defensive now. Be humble.


yeah they can perma close your account if they don’t like your toons name even if your name is just “bob”

youll find in fact, they can if they so desire

they just choose not to

they could delete the whole game if they wanted to on a whim. its their game. you do not have rights here.

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GDKP items go for min bid 5g pretty much exclusively. Nobody is buying gold to run GDKP this late in phase 1

Markets price things in as soon as they’re known, not after they happen.

Lol, I’ve defeated every one of the trolls and will continue to. When you have an argument that SOUNDLY defeats mine let me know. Until then you are just grasping at straws. I’ve laid out and defended my OP.

This is such a lazy argument. There is no real way? Really? How about you ban gold buying?

You’ve got it backwards. It isn’t Blizzards job to ban the community-driven solution to a host of problems (see OP) while offering no solution of their own.

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My proposal in the OP is to make them soulbound. But regardless, if the concern is gold buying as you’ve suggested then ban gold buying. Not the GDKP strawman. Otherwise this is exactly what will happen.

well there is always somewhat of a delay - at the very least the market can only price things at the speed of information :wink:

But yeah, Era consume prices are dropping

It is hilarious how people banned GDKPs to reduce the price of goods on SoD AH, but it will only increase the price of their goods, while in turn reducing the price of goods for Era.

Price is set by supply and it seems some bots are moving back to Era. Era, the land of GDKPs, consumes already nearly 30% cheaper since announcement.

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Thats what I want Blizzard to do in some of these GDKPs threads, ban the gold buyers and actually punish them instead of a slap on the wrist.

But unfortunately, the reality is that this want is pretty much a big ask as Blizzard is pretty much a company that cares about trying to maximize the profits and thats means not putting much resources and cutting jobs (i.e Customer support). Lets be honest here, some executive probably doesn’t care about Billy getting sent 500 gold from a level 1 character or the rampant botting that occurred.

Then why take any action at all? Banning GDKP is chopping a tree down leaves first. It wastes more time and money trying to enforce it, results in more lost subs, and STILL doesn’t fix the problem.

To them it saves more time and money on banning GDKPs then trying to investigate characters that could be suspicious of RMT.

Care to explain on how banning GDKPs will result lost subs?

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GDKP is the most popular loot system in every version of classic wow. Banning it will upset those players and some of them will leave the game.

The whales (like 3 people and their alts) still upset they can’t swipe a card and buy the best gear? At a certain point you just have to accept reality.


Lazy, old, defeated argument. I’m the most vocal and I’ve never done RMT in my 20 year gaming career.

Guess you should debate the Dev’s next. Hope I get to see you on TV at Blizzcon.


The radio silence of the devs on this issue speaks volumes. They didn’t ask for feedback before this policy, so I don’t expect they will listen to feedback now.

This is probably what we can expect whenever they face a difficult problem. They will just “experiment” with the logically flawed, easy “solution” and communicate that they are working on the problem.

I promise you getting rid of bots is not the engineering challenge they make it out to be. The problem is not being properly resourced or invested in and talent has been leaving the company for the last 4-5 years. They can’t hire top talent because none of them want to work there anymore.

Yeah, that they made the right call and they’re happy to see everyone praising the change.

Did you even read their statement? They specifically said they listened to feedback:

Emphasis on FEEDBACK. Not tantrums.