If you're a Plate class, good luck finding raid spots

I play totally naked and get invited to every group. Loving WotLK so far :smiling_face:

Could also get in a nice guild.

I decided to main Rogue and it isn’t going so well for pugs to be honest. I’m thinking switching to shadow priest and see how that goes.

This is why I went Mage this time. I mained a BM Hunter in TBC and played my Mage as an alt and enchanter. I do miss playing BM and maybe I’ll get him to 80 when I am BiS geared.

My main issue with my Hunter is that the mana usage is horrible. I don’t know wtf happened, but every class seems to have better mana management except the hunter, where it got much worse in wotlk.

EDIT: Not sure why it shows I am 73, I hit 80 the other day.

More like this is just gonna fuel GDKPs even more

Tldr version: im a sweaty meta slave to the easiest content ever released for wow and specifically talior my raid group to favor myself for gear. And i will definitely be prio on Shadowmourne despite green parses.

Can’t argue with a forum flamer who can’t Google a simple definition. :exploding_head:

alright einstein lets do a google:

"So, a lot of you use the term but don’t really know what it means. I’ll make it very simple:

Skill cap (in our case, of a class/spec in WoW) is the point where a player is so good at using his abilities/class/spec - he cannot become better at it because he is limited by its mechanics, thus making him(her) skill capped. In other words - it’s the maximum level of play that can be achieved with a given spec and how much of a difference there is between a good player and a flawless player of that specific class.

Allow me to quote myself here genius:

Skill cap has nothing to do with how hard/easy it is to play or how weak/powerful the class is.

Lets take, for example, Frost Mages (to be honest, I absolutely hate Frost Mages but…) they have a very, very high skill cap, one of the highest in this game, but at the same time - they are easy to be successful with. Now, what makes it a high skill cap class? The potential of their abilities.

The following is just a simple example with two classes and has nothing to do with game balance!

You can’t really lock down 3+ players at a crucial moment (cd’s used) at the same time as a, f.e., Warrior, while a Frost Mage, given enough positional/situational awareness (we call it “skills”), can. Of course, a Warrior, given enough skills, can see it coming as well, but he doesn’t have enough tools to do a lot about it.

At the same time, Warriors are, currently, harder to play than Frost Mages (dealing less damage, having less uptime and survivability), but their skill cap is significantly lower (mostly thanks to Cataclysm but that’s another story).

Or, lets compare Sub Rogues and Frost DKs. A Frost DK can, pretty much, Death Grip, Chains of Ice, Strangualte (long cd) and poof - he’s out of the game, no longer being able to influence it by anything other than raw damage and a few cd’s even if he’s good enough to see something coming, while a Sub Rogue can control the whole game from start to finish and turn it around at any point, given enough skills ofc, because the spec offers a lot of tools to do so.

That’s why we say Sub Rogues have a higher skill cap than Frost DKs.

I hope at least some of you will never confuse “skill cap” and “hard to play” again :-)"

…your welcome, casual.

Wall of text trying to prove no one but yourself continuously wrong disregarded. Next wot plz

Rogues make this mistake as well as noobs who look up “WOTLK best class” and see Rogues, Pallies and DKs.

I’ve been having fun as Demonology lock punishing horrible rogues who cannot learn that you can’t burst and kill the demo warlock when he has the felguard out and has his CD up for Metamorphosis. As I will turn from a lil lock with 2.6k armor to a demon with 12.5k, and I will set myself on fire (immolate) so you can’t vanish and cleave you to death.

Bad pallies as well, For the love of god pallies, You have a spell that would cripple me in my tanky form but none of them know how to use it or god forbid, have it on their spellbar. EXORCISE ME DAMMIT. IM A DEMON. EZPZ MATCH UP. But no they all wanna be ret and just do a quick burst, bubble and run around, then once their bubble is out you beat the snot out of them. Always so fun.

Yeah luckily I don’t see many demo locks as rogue they are super aids :joy:

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I gotta be honest as someone who played ret pally in original WoTLK and was forced to go holy I’m so glad I rolled hunter this time.

If there was only this option to start your own group

I got in just fine

supply and deman duh. I went hunter cuz i knew this was gonna happen lol

Oh for sure. I saw a guild as the other day asking for ret or DK but the stipulation was that you never got any loot you just had to buff everyone. Dark times indeed.

My welcome? What about my welcome? What happened to it?

… oh god, i knew i was dealing with one of those… zerobrain proceeds to call “wall of text” a well explained post about what actually means “high skill cap” written by an actual competent player.

Typical of a casual who dont even want to learn the game. Just wants to keep doing his ez 1 shot rotation in wpvp while he “thinks” he is playing a super hard class and excelling at it… good luck though kid, enjoy your casual content. lmbo

guess Ill just kill stuff in the open world alone then. I like the peace and quiet anyway

Leather warriors make me laugh, avoid me in the open world Leather plate wearers.