If you're a Plate class, good luck finding raid spots

try having to share 4 classes on one token

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That person was right all you do is post various random buzzkill posts. I think theyre entirely made up issues and you just enjoy posting this stuff

Am plate, just crushed a 25 naxx tonight and got 3 peices of gear :smiley: lets gooo

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Highskill cap mens that as a skilled player you will still be able to improve as a rogue and get better even when you already are at the top of the ladder, at the point where other classes cant give you space for improvement anymore.

And yes, rogue has a VERY low skill floor. It is one of the easiest classes to do good with in arena. Any rogue player knows that.

I have mained rogue in a couple xpacs. So dont come at me trying to make it look like youre some kind of expert when you arent even lvl80 yet :wink:

Also just saw in another thread that you even say that you are pretty casual player. You like to do world stuff, questing, collecting, fishing that kind of stuff lmao
 That arenas doesnt look appealing to you and that you might skip them altoghether (like what!?!) rofl!!!

Bro. You ARE the epitome of casual. When you are at your best you gank boosties in wpvp when you know you can win with the minimum effort.

Gg though lol enjoy your world stuff in your noob friendly rogue :joy:

do what i did, join a guild, and out sweat all of them to BiS and boom. you have your raid spot. im now a MT and an officer. They cant deny you if they are all trash.

Even though plate wearers are good
 Some ranged or casters have a hero spell to use for the haste boost. Not many classes with plate have it

you really just requoted me with different words just to try and sound right?

lol okay

yeah I did tons of arenas in retail. I’m talking about classic idc about classic arenas. Rogue has the same skill gap in retail.

actually no I intentionally avoid doing this. I usually engage my level (in decent gear) or higher to get better. Nice assumptions coming from a random forumer. Just another secondary rogue main with a massive forum ego just cause he has played rogue. Oml. Actually requoted me saying the same thing reworded differently just to try and come out on top. Actual cringe :joy:

OP is right, there are so many plate wearers right now

And everyone posting like, they got into a pug so OP is wrong

Pugs don’t matter,

Try getting a core spot in a raid team.

This is why i quit. Yall make the game feel like the n@z! party. And for whatM to beat the raid boss 30 seconds faster
 pretty smooth brain

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high skill cap doesnt mean it has the potential to be trash einstein. Get a clue. It only references how much skill it needs to unlock its full potential. But its ok, keep lying making it sound like you are not a clueless casual

BTW, you will never get better playing 1v1 in wpvp lmao you will always remain a casual.

Another Garmuck post that is negative.

I jumped in a raid 25 man vault. Tank loot dropped I got it. As ret/holy non issue.

yes it does lmao. a bad player playing on a high skill cap class will be bad

yeah but atleast I’m not as depressed as you irl. get off the forums. imagine revolving your entire identity around wow arena’s. couldn’t be me LOL. every bad loser pvper in wow always brings in their “arena experience” to try and counter an argument about something with 0 relevancy to arenas. absolute fool.

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I’m just going to clear the zones and dungeons and then roll a warlock.


Or you know just make your own groups

Also you should probably say if your a dps.

You can stack 2 holy pallys and a prot pally , dk, warrior.

Also dk is the best dps currently. World first had 10

you still dont get it, but its ok, cant expect much of a cleuelss casual.

As a guild leader, yep I got 3 (dps) plate wearers in my roster. I don’t really want more. If they can’t be bothered to tank for one of the 10 man groups, they’re more then likely gone and replaced because I don’t bring “pure” dps boys who don’t help to a 25 man groups.

I try to be inclusive and nice to everyone but also upfront.

Prot warriors sucks, no you won’t be a main tank, not going to handicap my raid team harder than needed.

DKs,yeah you do good DPS but you share token with that DK Main tank, don’t want too many of either, that’s the sad reality.

Arms warrior? You’re fine buddy, I don’t mind having you around, but just 1, maybe 2 if you’re lucky.

Ret Pally? 1, enough.

Fury warriors? lmao, P1 and P2, you’re too expensive for me. We can’t give you two 2handed weapons and just tell everyone else to suck it up. Come back when ICC out and a lot of those 2 handers easier to obtain!

This the reality of most guilds. And if people don’t understand that and can’t put water in their cup and accept that reality. It doesn’t matter where you are from or how much you paid to try raid somewhere.

Time to fire up those GDKPs boys the gate keeping has started form P1.

Don’t complain about bots or RMT, this community brought the plague onto itself.