If you're a Plate class, good luck finding raid spots

Guilds always look at all applications, and I know we have recruited great players who dropped apps for classes we technically werent looking for.

Post your raid resume to the discord, you will get bites if you are worth looking at.

Did all the 25 mans this week on 2 characters. Both rets.


Hilarious but no. I don’t think my raid team is hardcore enough for Shadowmourne, we’re playing for fun. But not going to play with memes team that just drag it down further than necessary. Not anyone else fault if you cope. What a silly boy you are.

Join a guild

This, if you want to play an MMO without talking to people, or forming any sort of social connections ever, then you should play the most in demand class / role combo to ensure you can always have groups without a permanent slot by trolling LFG for pug raids.

Dude is mad cause he gets dumpstered by casual rogue players lmao pop a wall or smth idk

Whats the situation for rogues in terms of guild needs? Are they pariahs? Rogue is my favorite class and I dont even PVP. Fire mage is my alt that I also like alot.

I think combat is good end game but ppl might not take sub cause they’re elitists. But if you’re strictly pve combat rogue pumps good damage so theres always a spot iirc. I think assa is just below combat, so if you don’t like combat playstyle go assa
Plus you got tricks to give tank 15% dmg buff and more threat

Wow turns out being a member of a class or spec with an insane supply leads to low demand.

How could this have happened?

Almost every other melee DPS can be the third tank on patchwerk, with enhance being able to heal if that ever came up, while bringing more buffs and utility. You have to go back to 2004 if you want players to get horned up over DPS over anything else.

Thanks for the information sir.

This sounds like a positive for the game that it is hard to find raid spots if you are playing an overplayed class.

Discouraging the entire game from playing a paladin or dk is a good thing.

lol what does that has to do with anything? youre pissing outside the bucket as always dude.
I know how to deal with rogues either in retail with my shaman or in classic with my warlock. I just find it hilarious when a clueless rogue casual starts writing in a forum about how “super difficult” his class is compared to the others… like bro, what?.. XD and specially when said casual starts confusing the term “high skill cap” lmbo too funny.

Btw I’m loving seeing how you ran out of arguments… but hey keep the childish comments coming, you amuse me.

didnt read touch grass

Why is it that every WoW classic forum post that pops up in my suggested feed from this Garmuck guy dooming about wrath? Is this happening to anyone else?

There wont be any new clothies because they took the xp buff away and theres no RDF to get leveled up in. I see tons of people trying to level alts and those same people are barely 2 -3 levels higher days later. The leveling process is way too slow. People will just quit and servers will die. Also theres tons of dks because it was the only way to get to northrend in a reasonable amount of time for anyone that just joined the game in the last month or 2.

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Garmuck is the same guy as Rankoneboost/Skipdeplet/Rdf/Lfd/Lfr/Gdkp

Its just the same dude trolling over and over again.

Damn dude you kinda sound like a hater rn :confused: coming from a druid/priest/shaman lol

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