If you're a Plate class, good luck finding raid spots

I mean kinda does that’s the definition of high skill cap

I mean like 5 buttons but so is every class

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I am enjoying my classic as a warrior! :relaxed: As much as you whine in the forums, maybe go back to playing retail! :crazy_face:

And the elusive resto shaman!

you dont even know what high skill cap means lol

as i thought… youre just a casual.

As i said, rogue has specs that have the highest skill cap, yes, but it’s also the easiest to play. There is no contradiction in that if you actually knew what high skill cap actually means, But you dont. So, what can we do…

Meanwhile, he’s posting on a character that’s actually played in classic, and you’re hiding behind a retail alt because you’re scared that everyone might actually see you too are a filthy casual.

yes, thats exactly the reason.

I know….that’s….why I said it…

yup, i know.

high skill cap means it has the potential to be trash or really really good.

get off my nuts buddy l2p. you’re a casual who gets rolled by noob rogues

Now this guy is on to something.

Melee being overplayed compared to ranged isn’t exactly news though, it was the same in TBC where Warlocks and Hunters despite being S+ tier all expansion were still underplayed compared to Melee.

That’s why i tank, ez solution

thats not what it means genius.

yes, that is exactly what it means… You are thinking of “low skill floor” which means you can be top tier without much effort at all. Bad rogues get dumpstered.

And no, rogue does not have a low skill floor. It has a high skill cap with a moderately low skill floor. Paladin would be a medium-high skill floor with a medium skill gap.

Good luck finding a spot in heroic dungeons too lol.

The game is filled with Dk/pallies atm, ive been adding clothies so i dont have 3x melee dps every dungeon.

“Honestly I don’t see the appeal in Wrath anymore.”

Did you not post this sir?

I literally did nothing. Didn’t even look for a guild once. They invited me out of the blue while leveling and now I’m raiding. Did 2 drakes today, it was fun. Very hard finding that raid spot :wink:

Yeah and I just looted a random boar and got 10k gold, idk why people complain about gold farming being hard.

That’s a lotta potential shadowmournes :eyes: