If you're a Plate class, good luck finding raid spots

Even more reason why these posts are rediculous. We all know exactly what classes will be OP at what times during Wrath, ofcourse there will be tons of those classes running around.

Why folks insisit on flooding the forums with garbage threads like this is beyond me. Its like their brains go out to lunch for a bit and they forget that this is technically 20+ year old knowledge.

Hey, news flash to the OP, we do not need your hot take on something we all know and knew a long time ago.

Could’ve told you that long ago, what did you expect with all the DKs?

Play Holy Paladin, collect OS gear for your Ret spec is the big brain play

Two days ago you were talking about “washing” someone in PvP and that your ele was already almost 2k rated with your destro buddy. Here you’re saying you want to abandon your warrior and level him up. Trolls gonna troll

Which is it?


Every 25 man needs like 4-6 DKs and 2-3 paladins. This feels very targeted towards warrior DPS. Lol

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I wanted my Sham on Ally to play with my human teammates due to Racials, my 2k ele is on horde and so is my warr.

So yea I plan on leveling my draeni sham

Sure buddy

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I mean why ask a question if no answer works for you, go find a better use for your time.

Could be worse, could be a rogue or feral dps and have plate wearers competing with you for your leather as well as your raid spot.

Gear rains down on me as a mail wearer, and my tier is basically no competition

Feels good tbh

The meta slaves can stay playing all the plate classes idc

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Meanwhile, the guild he miscredited with world’s first naxx had 6 plate dps.

Yikes…lemme guess the male human paladins

I just checked, and 15 of the 21 people currently logged on in my guild are plate. I made a decision early on (months ahead of wrath launch) to just go full prot until at least ToC. Warrior DPS is difficult to justify bringing right now. Especially when prot is doing as much or in many cases more dps.

All the scrubadins rerollers were warned, as well as the brainless dk’s.

They have no one to blame but themselves.

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and rogue is the easiest in pvp

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theres a lot of leather thats good for plate classes :stuck_out_tongue: it was such a problem in wrath which is why you got armor proficiencies in cata. Like… have fun in ICC if you’re combat. Everyone who needs arpen will be competing with you for your gear.

highest skill cap maybe but yes it’s pretty strong even in wotlk

no there isn’t. why would plate wear leather

highest skill cap doesnt mean they are hard to play and do good with jfyi

Isn’t PvE rogue like a 2 button rotation?

In PvP they’re def one of the higher skill cap ones, they got nerfed a lot from TBC so they die way quicker so you have to compensate by being better.

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