If you're a Plate class, good luck finding raid spots

Friends. Guilds. Something everyone knows.

another :brain: take

My pug raid cleared KT day one by the time we downed KT we had 21 players 6 melee 5 plate.

We had one mail wearer a ele shammy, and he made out like a bandit…


another useless post. So who are you really ? i’m dying to know your real account poster

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I play rogue for pvp. Every class is easy in pve lmao


I know this is a troll but…
Actually i’m just not going to bother.

Low effort post

I see half the guilds recruiting a dk dps, since they’re top tier at the moment, so you aren’t looking that well. Warrior dps are weak currently so yeah.
Ret paladins here and there.

Canc hange your title to “Warrior dps”, and maybe paladin. Dks are in fair demand.

I figure a good portion of the plate dps are retail players waiting for DF. DKs especially. Im sure there will still be a lot left, but I think when DF drops, itll ease the over crowding a good bit.

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What a worthless post. Find a new hobby.


yea i mean i think we all saw this coming haha

plate was super popular back in the day too.

It isn’t like gear is scarce or anything. I already snagged the valorous gloves and the relic from VOA 25 and Naxx 25. Got a bunch of badge gear and nicely on the way to the valorous legs. There might be a ton of competition for the axes off KT, but that is gonna be it. You can craft a nice mace anyway so…

May as well join the FOTM rush and compete early. The cloth, leather and mail will be all geared when I get my lock and Hunter to max level so I’ll fully gear in one or two lockouts max while they carry me and kiss my butt because I’m not plate.

Water is not wet.

Water is a liquid.

good news you are fake news.

RDF/GDKP/LFD/Rankoneboost/Talonel from Retail and 100 others.
He’s Pro-RDF on this alt at least lol.

Why even reply if you’re going to be toxic lol

Go Ele, you won’t regret it. There is a certain satisfaction with assisting your team in victory by knocking half the enemy team off Eye of the Storm, or machine gunning down a flag carrier with Lightning Overload procs.

This assumes you are a PUG……

The bg’s at the start of the expansion, with dk’s on both sides death gripping people everywhere, were hilarious. :rofl:

Breaking news with Garmuck presents the news starring Garmuck.

Getting a raid slot as melee is hard!

Stay tuned for more breaking news with Garmuck presents the news starring Garmuck.


So you are a bad player and blaming the class? I have zero issues getting in pugs as a DK dps. The world first naxx clear had 101 DK’s. There are a few dungeons where folks try to control loot but overall the content is easy and paladins DK’s and warriors are not an issue, its more along it’s a player sucks issue.