Do I really need to quote it again?
If you flip flop any harder, you’re gonna turn into a fish out of water.
Do I really need to quote it again?
If you flip flop any harder, you’re gonna turn into a fish out of water.
This right here is why people have a problem with hunters, a good chunk genuinely play like this. Never MD, never Feign, never turtle, never flare, 0 class comprehension, face down on the floor 50% or more of a dungeon/raid despite being the most mobile ranged because they still didn’t move out of bad.
Quote it a thousand times, you’re still wrong and don’t know what a 180 is.
Rightio mate. Keep contradicting yourself.
Well at least you’re showing me that you got the IQ of that fish,
I accept your admission.
eek. era tbc please
So you want me to sacrifice my kick for the dispel?
Eh, the druid class tree is kind of a mess because of the top-level nodes being base abilities only usable in a certain form. For decurse, you have to take Rejuvenation, with is an ability you can’t use in bear or cat at all, and does negligible healing on its own so likely isn’t worth using outside of when running from one pack to another. So it can be a two point investment depending what path does more for you normally to get down the right side of the class tree. While I certainly will be taking my decurse this week in keys, I only really have one point to move around that is truly just a nice-to-have; if I wasn’t already going down the resto path I would have to give up some defense in order to get decurse.
What row it’s in has nothing to do with the opportunity cost to take it. It’s the up to 2 points we have to take to get decurse combined with very limited pathing within the talent tree itself forcing us to take objectively bad options just to get to things we do want.
Now I don’t agree that it should just be left to the healer, the small amount of defensive value we give up to get it is going to be worth it for most groups. Just highlighting that it’s not nearly as crazy as you’re making it out to be for a druid to feel like they don’t have enough points to take it without giving up something else they would actually use.
I thought this M+ affix was tough for healers, actually made a forum post about it.
I was wrong. It’s super easy. In anything above M7 you’re probably going to be healing anyways so the debuff just comes off naturally. Most classes have aoe removal for it and if you’re group has multiple DPS with cleanses it’s basically non-existent.
Uhh, most classes have aoe removal? more like shaman and priest.
Lol. “DH: idk, hope there’s enough stuff to hit so you can leech real hard”
It’s hilariously easy regardless.
it’s crazy that I never said I never tranq, flare, turtle etc. weird crazy that’s your take. Seems like you are projecting your lack of skills on others. hope you get better and hope this helps.
Don’t have one, can’t help you. Literally don’t care if you brick the key as a result, it means nothing to me.
its not ego , its about sending a message
I get that people take this as a personal attack, but if you’re in a push key and you’re not dispelling yourself… what are you here for? Like what’s the point…?
Yes you will. Don’t lie.
You’ve got some issues it seems.
Regardless, you can dispel every affix every time as you have just been informed by multiple hunters.
Now is the time you start doing that, and closing your mouth.
People wonder why threads like these get made…
Everyone has the tools, it’s a dps increase to dispel it, it’s a team job