I know Sint isn’t a worgen! She’s still going to lead them, whether you like it or not. I AM NOT gonna go through hwat the ding dang hell of a messs being High Queen of Stormwind and mankind would be like for our little dragonslaying warrior.
Right off the bat! “Hey Anduin, I’m going home.” Gilnean army walks home, gives the night elves a large swath of forestland the Gilneans didn’t even use, and gets help from the druids and priesthood to clean the blight out of the city. We see another huge boost to the friendship and alliance between Gilneas and the Kaldorei. Sint repairs the Greymane wall, builds a new port, and the naval power of the Alliance skyrockets. Between Kul Tiras, Stormwind, and Gilneas, the Eastern Kingdoms just looks like a big ugly wall that nobody wants to attack.
With the nelves moving in, however, space needs to be opened up. Sint lays claim to Silverpine. It’s likely that new cities and settlements would be built in the years of her reign. Aggressive efforts to locate new goldmines and whatnot are made, as well as the support of the Cenarion Circle being used to cleanse the land of undeath and blight.
This new Gilneas shrugs off it’s intolerable stance on outsiders, continues to improve upon human tech, helps re-establish a Kaldorei community, and actively allows both halves of the Eastern Kingdoms to be solidly blue. Lordaeron’s reclamation and reparation look brighter with a new Gilneas. Gilnean and Kaldorei refugees would probably be brought in after things are clean, or when things are safe enough under military supervision.
This is all aggressively done, of course, and might fly in the face of Anduin’s methodology. Any remaining Forsaken will be pushed out. Tol Barad now belongs to Gilneas, since it’s been abandoned for so long. Any vessels of the enemy will be captured or sunk if spotted in Baradin bay by the Gilnean Blockade (lovingly called the “Dagon Wall”.). There are no Horde emissaries allowed within the Greymane Wall. The Gilnean Army will be prepared to march, at any time.
End edit.
Now Stormwind isn’t the heart of the Alliance. The entire Eastern Kingdoms is, if you ignore the stinkin blood elves.
This is, of course, if nobody begins another land war on Azeroth. Do not give Sint an excuse to put on her wargear and stab zombies. Edit: Because if a war does break out, Gilneas should be forgotten for a while. Using the symbology of a broken nation, Sint builds a new generation of Greyguard and Greywatch named “Break Squad”. Turning the fall of her nation into a symbol of strength, Sint marches to battle with her soldiers. She grew tired of Greymane’s inability to join his people when he decided to become Anduin’s lapdog. If anything, Anduin should be worried that a new warlike mindset has grown in the absence of King Greymane.