If you were a final boss

I’ll have so many down phases where you just have to handle soaks and adds that’ll you die of boredom before you ever get a chance to actually win

Every 5% you gotta do a 1 minute intermission phase, it’ll be super fun

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Phase at 1 hp and can’t die unless hit for exactly 1 hp :joy:

Heal to full after 10 seconds.

Sounds like hell

Peeing on the carpet.

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I would want a crazy fight were the goal is just for players to survive to the end. The fight would be an endless wave style where imps and other warlock demons are spawned. This will be a timed battle somewhat, with a way to speed things up so it will not drag on for some groups. When my mana bar gets empty the battle is over, giving me coffee would make me speed up summoning emptying the bar faster. At the end I want an imp to ask me why I didn’t life tap.

I would be next to an imp mother pools that spawns all the imps. At intervals I would enrage, buffing all demons, and pull a random player to me for “salt time”. Salt time would just be me ranting about things I don’t like about my spec and demon hunters. During this time players would get a debuff (This Again) increasing damage taken or healing received.

This sound pretty simple but the demons are going to have their whole kit and any demon from any spec or talent will be able to spawn. There is going to be a ton of damage going out and cc happening so it will not be easy.

But I do want something like the Yogg-Saron fight but instead of keepers there will be pets. I enjoy doing pet battles and if I was a boss I would want that to be a part of my boss battle. Players would be able to release a pet and unless enraged I would go over to that pet and start a pet battle. During a pet battle everything would stop spawning and players could get out of combat at that time. This would allow for all potions and health items to reset…if you can get out of combat before the pet battle ends :kissing_heart:

I do want one achievement called “She never shuts up” for completing the battle without using pets.

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I’d absorb 1 point of energy, rage, and mana from all combatants for every point of damage I take. They’d have to kill me the hard way with auto attacks.


Dungeon. And i’ll be a super easy boss that easy to do even without addons no matter the difficulty however all my abilities put a cure-able dot or one-shots.

Every 30 seconds all players stats become randomized swapping between the closest players to your toon, at the same time dodging AOE attacks. The theory is beating me is a gamble but it would probably prompt a lot of same classes raiding me.

If I could have one superpower IRL it would be teleportation, so for a boss power I’d go with that and make life a living hell for the tanks. Just when they get comfortable BAM, I teleport to the complete opposite side of the room and reset everyone’s threat!

if i was a raid boss… if I saw a horde player I would cast a instant glacial spike of Doom that wipes the raid, and the only way to beat me would be to bug me into so i would have no LOS but somehow you cna hit me.

so you would never feel the satisfaction of beating me in a fair fight

and scream stuff like VENGNCE for Teldrassil!

if you were alliance I would just drop my pants and a chest full of loot and do /dance. and give a quest to slay 10 horde for a 274 random Mythic Raid loot

I would be a super powered paladin with a Divine Storm with no AOE cap and no DR that could be cast every 30 seconds and deal 20% HP damage to the entire raid when cast. and my loot would be readable note that says “Enjoy your repair bill”.

well lately, I’d have the power of being in a tier so stupidly tuned, and short, that less than 200 groups even had a chance to get to me.


If I were a boss my power would be: 50% Damage increase stacking for every player that jumps off the edge/dies purposefully within the first 2 minutes to be carried; also any lackluster player at 0-50 APM will increase my damage by 50% stacking for each player getting boosted sitting in the back.

Basically, I would be an anti-token/ anti-boosting boss.

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I’d just like to be able to attack a town or city, like back in the olden times. Monster comes to town is the best kind of party.

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You and my dog from hell, curse him.

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Cool. Just let me suit up first…

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I’d have adaptive skin that hardens in response to physical trauma and blocks magic. The raid can’t hurt me.

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You would think that until the raid starts disparaging your waggle.


I’d have a damage reflect that kills DPS very easily

DPS players love mechanics where they’re forced to hold DPS

First I would conjure a void storage Consortium member from the respective main city that the raid party is from, this way they can’t attack him.
Then I would possess characters who have Enchanting to make them disenchant the loot, and make them /guildquit.
Finally I would put myself into the void storage