What In-game Power would you have?
(Raid/Dung/World Bosses that is)
What In-game Power would you have?
(Raid/Dung/World Bosses that is)
The power of merely being setback and never actually being truly defeated.
If I was a final boss. . . Hmm good question.
I would be eating throughout the encounter and throwing the trash at the players. I might eat a player or two. Kind of like reverse cookie from deadmines.
Invisibly taking your hot pocket in real life
I snap my fingers and half of the healers instantly die.
Every 2 minutes through the fight 10% of the players in the raid will start doing the chicken dance, the only way to cure them is to /chicken them while they are targeted. If they arent cured in 20 seconds affected players will turn into a roasted chicken and restore a small percentage of boss HP.
My drop table would be things like squeaky hammers, rubber chickens, clown noses and a floating disco ball mount that makes glittery effects when on the ground.
I don’t know - Combine Raid Helya with Shade of Aran and you have a good idea.
Probably something really super annoying that can’t be out-DPSed, because… you’re a final boss for a few months, then you’re irrelevant, then you’re farmed. WoW marches on. Unless you want your last stop to be “trash mob delayed by annoying RP” then you better have something super cheap and obnoxious special.
Mechanics like the Spine of Deathwing can kill players no matter how many expansions pass. So, probably something in line with the likes of that.
I’d be like Yogg Sarons sister and send everyone mad
All players would get debuffed into zombies. All heals cast will cause damage to friendly players instead.
Let the dps race begin
Being super annoying
The most annoying mechanic ever; constantly moving around the tank as if it were pvp and I’m trying to get behind him.
Literally spend the whole fight refusing to be positioned correctly and make the tank and melee big mad.
DISCONNECT RANDOM PEOPLE every minute and you can’t get back in till end of fight or a wipe.
Bubble hearth and cackle as I run away with the epic loots.
I’d like to be a world boss that patrols the zone. Like a Fel Reaver, only a bit less predictable.
I drop uniquely colored tier set helm models (without the bonus) that do not match any other armor.
The power to oneshot all healers in one go based off a soak mechanic being missed.
Oh and I forgot to add each soak spot is random, replicates five times. For a total of 50 soaks on mythic. With each person that soaks getting a debuff that prevents them from being able to soak again or else they oneshot all the DPS instead. With the time to soak decreasing each time the mechanic occurs. Then of anyone dies with the debuff they oneshot the tanks.
Enrage: Bringing more than 2 tanks will cause me to do 500% increased damage, with bringing less than two tanks causing the same. Less than 4 healers will cause 1000% increased damage. Which applies if any tanks or healers die.
Feel like this one is evil enough don’t you agree.
I’d have the ability to reach through the computer screen, grab the player, and throw them back in time by about 10 minutes.
Now to take the question more seriously, with this character to think of him as a rework of the OG.
I would first off have a raise dead ability where whenever a player in the raid dies they are instantly risen. While risen they are buffed dramatically in all stats and essentially mind controlled. Killing them is useless as they will be risen again.
Then I would have a throne shattering moment where all players are knocked/pushed into one direction and that part of the ice breaks where they all fall into one of the previous boss rooms(randomly chosen) and must fight a risen version of that boss with about 20% health pool. The longer they take to down said boss the more I heal up and the more UD minions I summon.
Once that boss is killed they are all death gripped back to the throne room to continue the fight. This risen boss feature would happen at least 2 times in the fight.
Tanks would need to pick up all of the adds as dps aoes them as fast as possible. The fight would also be healer demanding as if anyone dies they become an essential threat. However they can be CC’d so as long as that is maintained properly. Maybe have it act like actual player CC though where it can only last so long forcing tanks to pick up dead players, unsure.
Keep the ending the same though, love how they did that.