If you want to be heard stop paying your sub fee

Blizzard only cares about money and it’s more obvious than ever. They have completely abandoned pvp. They basically abandoned any hope for next season as well by making it a lazy fated patch.

I for one cancelled both my accounts and will not be returning until the war within to try it out, and then will probably be forced to cancel it soon after since blizzard doesn’t listen to feedback whatsoever anymore, especially for pvp.

They created this mess of a game by over complicating it with stupid systems that shouldn’t exist, and hero talents will just be another iteration of that.

Hope you all find a game worthy of your time and money. This game isn’t worth ruining your mental health over anymore.


nah just join the crusade.
they have already heard us.

I feel bad for anyone just primarily playing WoW for the PvP.


almost certain thats whats already happened . prolly why season of discovery is getting more love than retail right now

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Realistically Blizzard has abandoned a few parts of the game.

SSF HC Classic has constant posts about how badly it was set up, and how little the devs put in to making it an actual mode.

M+ & Raiders are entirely fed up w/the designs and encounters and lack of balance / effort applied by the devs currently.

PVP players are disgusted by the lack of changes after months of egregious balance issues.

They’re literally just MIA, on all parts of the game.


might be because microsoft has already fired over 1000+ blizz employees not sure how many of them belong to the WoW team though

nail on the head here. this community ruined it’s reputation a while ago when they started shifting their mentality to toxicity (toxicity meaning calling someone bad or worse when they’re new or learning, not just harmless crap talking banter) & ego.

PvP never used to be like this. it was always about a good fight or THE fight. I firmly believe Blizzard catering to the .05% or 1% ruined this all those years ago & it’s been downhill ever since. it’s smeared all over this forums every day in multiple threads.

but hey, you can get a battle mender title now. :person_cartwheeling:

They’ve spread the game too thin, and cannot support all these one-off modes. Now, they are all terrible. Pretty bone-headed move to abandon the flagship game though. I would venture retail is vast majority of dollars between subs, shops, and character services.

Anyways, I’m speaking with my wallet and canceled. I’ll check out WW, and if same crap, there are other games out there.

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No thanks I just resubbed axtually

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Well, not entirely. Dragonflight is the best PvP has been in a long while. It’s a lot of fun when it was tuned properly, and some of the best WoW PvP seasons ever.

The main issue balance wise is the outlier specs that don’t see tuning. I picked this game back up during covid, and I can tell you the first time I actively stopped playing was the s1 ret paladin fiasco because there just was no point to queueing. Aug was bad but I stuck through. DH is bad but I stuck through. I want to play the game, I want to improve. I love playing WoW PvP when it’s good.

I’m very close to taking another extended break. And it’s nothing to do with the lack of tuning, although that is a secondary concern. The real reason I would consider to cancel my sub is because there is 0% chance Blizzard is not aware of botting. You can tell yourself whatever you want in your head, but they definitely know it’s happening and it’s clearly the talk of the town at this point. While they may address it at some point, it will likely be too little too late. Until they address it in a permanent way (i.e. a ban on the payment option associated with account, or I.P. address, etc.) this is only going to get worse and the bots are only going to get better. And to be honest, if there was any interest in keeping integrity in PvP, this would’ve been done swiftly and thoroughly.

Couple this with MAJOR balance ignorance, and the integrity of the game feels completely compromised. While this likely effects RSS more so than other game formats, I basically have to schedule play time for 3v3. The entire reason I choose PvP is to avoid that. I don’t want to schedule a raid at 8pm. I want to log on when I can, play, and log off.

This following bit is not exaggerated in the slightest. I will walk you through what happened to me today, when I had roughly 3 hours to kill and friends aren’t online:

-Queue RSS (40 min queue times on average today for dps)
-Queue pop, leaver immediately before the gates even open.
-Queue pop, bot, we all know it. It goes 0-6 because we are aware.
-Queue pop, 3 games with a raging healer who is being toxic and giving up, next 3 games the healer DCs (unfortunate, happens, not Blizzards fault, but just want to be clear this was the only real game I got to play today)
-Queue doesn’t pop in time, I have to log.

This player experience is not far from typical. At all. It’s fairly standard.

During this, my RL friend (former PvP healer) is watching me play in Discord. He hasn’t played since Cata s1, and he is not really understanding the new abilities or the pacing of the game. Then he sees this (largely typical) player experience. Now mix in the often discussed time it takes to start, level, gear, craft, etc. just to get your character ready for PvP. Then you get to be a bad player for a long time while you’re relearning. Spoiler alert: He didn’t want to reactivate.

Pretty much since launch, Blizzard has actively said PvP is a “mini-game” they aren’t focused on heavily. And I sort of got that, because it wasn’t the bread and butter of what draws player base. The majority of paying players were not taking PvP too seriously. However, 1 year ago there was a poll that showed PvP was performing higher than given credit for:

To be clear, that is VERY close to being the preferred content of the player base. So imagine the issues were fixed, and what it potentially could be.

TL;DR - The game is actually very good when it’s good, but nobody cares to fix it, and there’s no way they aren’t aware.


great post and I can say you are not alone in this. there’s a nucleus of WoW folks who genuinely want it to do well but unfortunately, attitudes, egos, and Check-PvP (rating system, really) ruined the community reputation. I don’t blame them one bit for not interacting here. I wouldn’t want to either.


SoD is fun but it requires an active subscription which negates the entire point of putting your money where your mouth is sadly

very unfortunate

Thanks for the $50+ from you buying the expansion, plus at least 2-3 months of sub. Sorry we might miss out on half our potential profit from you if you unsub the rest of the time… but who are we kidding you’re going to stay subbed 80% - 90% of the time because of patches LOL.

– Blizzard

Man imagine saying you’re only going to buy the next CoD, Madden, FIFA, AC game pre / day 1 every time one comes out to “try” it but you’ll probably get upset and quiet playing later. Sub fee is just a bonus they’re milking out of you.

You are the ideal customer and Blizzard are clapping or crying laughing watching you post this. If they read this I mean. Forum void eats your tears.

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beats being subbed for 2 years per expansion

also attempting to refund my war within purchase since i literally don’t ever want to play retail ever again

the game will never get better and it’s pure hopium to think otherwise

the new blood devs are infinitely worse at understanding the player base than the original WoW devs, and that’s why the game has gone so far downhill

Game went full Russel Wilson mode, had a good long run, but now it’s just… meh.

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I think you could set up a domestic terrorism cell to conduct untoward operations in retaliation to them never responding or making good changes and they still wouldn’t care.

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