If you want #NoChanges means you want Retail. If you want #SomeChanges means you want Classic to succeed

Warcraft isn’t gritty

We already had “serious” races with humans and orcs. Why do we need another one?

I don’t know about you but I’d probably piss myself if I walked into a fight ring and saw a literal bear-person running at me swinging a sword twice the size of my entire body

Only since MoP… and it has been in a constant decline ever since. So clearly the change isn’t bringing in new players.

Again, you don’t get to pick and choose what counts and what doesn’t to suit your argument. Warcraft has been making corny jokes and pop culture references since at least Warcraft 2

The vast majority of which were not in your face. Tactful easter eggs, or hidden behind a dozen mouse clicks. Pandaren are like the Kool-Aid man bursting into your D&D session.

So you DO recognize that they exist

I suppose so, if effort had been made from the first session of the campaign to explain Kool-Aid’s presence in the setting, and had even made an appearance in the previous campaign too

No. It wouldn’t have helped, because Kool-Aid man doesn’t fit into the setting by his very nature. It just makes all of the stuff worse.

‘‘Coincidentally’’ #somechanges keep making the game closer to retail. Almost like the playerbase wanted the changes that made retail how it is over 20 years of #somechanges, and we’re seeing it happen a second time. Things like rdf and joyous journeys to get leveling out of the way ASAP, hyper focus on trying to balance every spec to be competitive in all forms of content, wanting dungeons to be useful past launch (hello m+) are all retail things.

Can’t wait for classic wow classic to release in 15 years to see it happen again for a 3rd time!

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Did they actually though? Or was it just the vocal minority? Certainly nobody surveyed me. How busy are Wrath servers these days? How busy are classic hardcore? Retail? Look at Twitch and like 100% of WoW streams are some variant of classic at least.

Well it happened once already, and we’re seeing it happen again. They are either listening to the minority again for a second time or they see the game going downhill without #somechanges

Dragonflight is already downhill of WotLK. Nobody is watching retail content. Nobody is playing retail. Why set the trajectory down again if you’re trying to avoid going downhill?

If the leaks online are to be believed, classic, era and hardcore combined have a higher population than Dragonflight.

Classic is a world where you have adventures and explore, while retail is a series of game modes tied loosely together where you go from menu to menu to play the game. There’s no menu based gameplay in vanilla.

I’m not so sure about those leaks considering retail has about 20+ servers sitting at full and like 60+ on high while wotlk has 2 and 2, even with a fraction of the server count (more servers should be packed if numbers were equal)

The only numbers we know of that classic wow is doing better at is raids because it’s pretty much the only endgame. Players on retail are doing other stuff and m+ has surpassed raiding in numbers (unless you count lfr).

If you wonder why retail is the way it is look around you and blame those people spamming wanting rdf so they can queue all day from town to max, or paid mages to boost them in classic cause they wanted ‘‘the journey’’ to be over with asap.

Honestly the closest I’ve seen the playerbase to real classic is in hc… For now anyway.

I’m not convinced Full server means players online. It seems to me that all it means is that a lot of people created characters on that server… but not that they’re actually playing them.

As I said. The vocal minority. People who are happy playing the game don’t post requests or complaints on the forum.

I’m loving hardcore.

Incorrect. You don’t get to make that call. The setting’s creator does. And the Kool-Aid man didn’t just suddenly appear out of nowhere, the DM went through the effort of establishing him ahead of time to make his existence believable. You don’t have to like it, but that doesn’t mean you’re correct

It doesn’t mean you’re correct either. Bad writing and setting is still bad writing and setting regardless of how well the Kool-Aid man is established by the DM. It can still be a mistake to write the Kool-Aid man campaigns in the first place. The DM may even regret writing them. The DM may even retcon him in a future campaign with another stupid character called the Jailer, or something.

This is fascinating.

i think some changes is ok bc we dont need things like classes to be a meme like warrior in vanilla or disc priest not being good until wrath or pallys not able to hold threat for crap for example lol. most fixed in wrath but you know stuff like is good. no class ends to be so bad no one wants them or pretty much unplayable. so yes, some changes to classes or simple qol things.

all these other nonsense changes such as 50 shades of m+ n crap just aint it. people are trying to get away from sweatmode retail. if youre going to add things, hell, add MORE new content related to the current expansion. more quest or something, another dungeon maybe? pets mounts? coulda done so much more than “adds junk from retail no one cares abt”. wrath is already teetering to retails rails anyway, we dont need anymore of it pls man.

That’s an opinion you are having. As I said, you don’t have to like it yourself, but to say something doesn’t belong in a setting after it has had ample amounts of setup is ridiculous

What does this even mean. Pandaren and the Jailer are about as far removed from each other as you can get

Hell, you aught to be praising the Jailer for matching that super macho edgy feelings bad aesthetic you enjoy

Do you realize this has been there since the beginning of vanllia?

Like I remember looking into my rogue’s bis gear back in classic phase 3 with BWL and seeing what would I be replacing and its pretty much everything I had on my rogue I got from MC and some other pieces would be replaced.

Sure there are some outliers but most of the time the gear you will be getting from a previous phase you were participating ends up getting by your logic invalidated and if you have a guild that willing to carry you or your alt as long as the mains don’t need in the current raid, it also by your logic invalidates a raid to an extent.

Is that you, Armstrong? Because that’s one hell of a stretch

To be fair, the #nochanges party mainly came around because of how bad retail was at the time. If the devs were doing good with retail back when classic first released, people would have been more open to them. I do agree that some of these changes are good, I also think that the class changes they have added to shift the balance might not be a good rabbit hole to go down. I remember when they added the ret paladin glyph and (if I am remembering correctly) stated that the buff was a one time thing. Now they are looking at changing other classes too.

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