If you want classic + id just rather level in tbc

if you classic+ supporters want classic+ which is stay at lvl 60 and get tbc content id rather blizzard just launch the tbc expansion on classic wow servers and level to 70.

if you want classic + then thats the end of classic wow and id rather just level to 70 in outland then deal with classic+


What’s so special about being level 70 and the outlands?


IMO BC is Classic but more refined. i could go on about what they added and tweaked but id really rather not turn this into a rant.


YEP so there is no reason blizzard should not just relaunch the tbc expansion on the classic wow servers which no one is talking about.

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Some of the most iconic and useful class abilities were released in the TBC era, for starters.

Things like shadowstep, cloak of shadows, crusader strike, water elemental, avenger’s shield, heroism/bloodlust, etc.

A lot of things that went on to later define many specs didn’t actually exist in vanilla.

If TBC gets released, it won’t be on the existing Classic servers, so no need to worry about that


TBC invalidates everything you do level 58+. Why would you raid Naxxramas or try to get honor rank 14 knowing TBC is just around the corner? You wouldn’t… and back in 2006, they didn’t.


The OP thinks it should be, that’s what we’re arguing against here.

why so stuck on staying at 60 and doing another expansion content?

if blizzard is going to KILL classic wow with classic + id ranter them just launch tbc on the classic wows servers.


It won’t be anyway, so there’s no point to arguing about it.

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As a shadow priest i’m missing shadow fiend and vampiric touch for starters. the later spells past BC i can live without even if i do miss them, but i feel weird not having those two spells in particular as shadow.

Anyways wasn’t WoWs highest Sub count during BC/Wrath?


yep it was around 7m in tbc and 12m by wrath.tbc was way more popular then wow.

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Sure I have no issue with this bring on the BC server right now blizzard my body is ready

It was at its highest in Wrath of the Lich King, but it showed very minimal growth. Vanilla showed the highest amount of growth.

Vanilla: 0 - 8 million players (8 million new players)
TBC: 8 - 11 million players (3 million new players)
WotLK: 11 - 12 million players (1 million new players)


Am I the only one about to have and aneurysm trying to read OP?


I’m with you…

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vanilla didnt have 8m dude it had like 5m by the end and went to 7m-8m in tbc.

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The best combination of class balance + class design wow has ever had?
Heroic dungeon keys + atunements.
Some of my favorite raids ever?
Best professions with stacking consumables and stuff like drums.


Crusader strike was wrath.


yep so if blizzard is going to kill the classic wow servers with classic + id rather just have them launch tbc on classic wow servers.

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