If you want classic + id just rather level in tbc

As he clearly lacks literacy, it’s painful to read. But google translate puts it as “I want TBC. Undecipherable gibberish. Leveling gud. TBC”, so I don’t know, seems like he’s maybe pro-TBC? But maybe he’s just heavily concussed and we’ll have to wait til he’s recovered to know what he’s trying to say.


Tbc sucked imo. Resilience, audible gagging

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You’re wrong… you can go look it up for yourself.

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only if you struggle with reading it mite be hard but some struggle more then others.

Crusader strike was the final tier talent in the Ret tree in TBC. Divine storm was added in wrath. Google TBC talent calculator. I’m weird and like playing with old talent calcs.


Ahh okay. My bad. I was always holy.

outland is trash
flying is garbage
arena is cancer


classic wow DIES with classic+

Crusader Strike was the capstone talent for Ret during TBC…

Edit: someone already said this

Blizz knows they’d lose my subscription… again… for the exact same reasons.

Nullify all the work done at 60, I’ll quit just like I did when TBC released the first time.

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Yeah my bad. I was holy for 100% of my bc life as a paladin.

Considering it’s the best version of WoW, I don’t want to write you a book about it.


I disagree. What most people want with Classic+ is the races, dungeons, raids, and zones (Naga, Goblins, Karazhan, Hyjal, Stormwind Vault, Uldum to name a few) that were originally planned for vanilla but didn’t make the cut and were shipped with TBC (or later expansions) instead.

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classic wow stops when you add tbc content its not classic wow anymore.

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Bc will spawn off of set classic servers. The classic servers will remain and the bc servers will give you the option to clone your character over to bc or level fresh. If classic + comes it will probably also be segregated.

i mean you’re willing to level 1-60 AGAIN and get the gear AGAIN but not level up 10 more levels and get more gear?

edit: uh why can’t i reference someones post? maybe im stupid lmao


That’s what I’ll do. I hate tbc content.


If I wanted to level more, and gear more, and level more, and gear more. I’d go play that abomination commonly referred to as ‘Retail’

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thats what we want most of us but as i said if they are just going to only add tbc content classic+ id rather them just launch tbc on classic wow servers.

if they are killing classic wow id rather just play tbc.

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What does this even mean? “Classic” wow is already different than vanilla wow with the expansion (and restriction) of APIs and layering.

Are you saying Classic wow is… already dead? The idea behind classic is to stay true to the original core mechanics/ideas of Vanilla.

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