If you think m+ is overtuned you just arent pressing ur buttons

haven’t played a lot recently, so far just did some 7s to spam for heroic loot and i tested out one 9 which i timed as holy preist on halls of infusion and it was pretty smooth. no mistakes and everyone still had their season 3 gear for most part. i think the reason why a lot of you are saying this new system is overtuned is just because nobody is ccing or interrupting important cast.

Just get DBM, press cc when it says and when one bad cast go off take notice of it for future and boom profit. If your damage is bad just use hekili. one of my friends who timed that 9 with me uses it and it works good enough.

heck im even seeing people time above 10s in their season 3 gear. so its not all that bad. i believe in yall.


Ok :spiral_notepad:


Yeah, this season - as with EVERY season - will get easier as everyone gets the new season’s gear.


With the right team carrying me I’m confident I’d be doing the same. No offense but a claim like this just reads as: “Someone bought a carry in season 3 gear and we 4 manned the 10 key for them.”

I will try to press my buttons for you OP. Just for you. Each time I press a button the name “Lifeblade” will ring in my ears.


I’m healer…you can’t get carried as healer in a 9 hoi especially 3rd boss…lmfao

Did I say you were carried or did I say you did the carrying? Seems like the latter.

So true. Fail damage is extremely high which makes healing the average group dreadful. But healing a good group is fun and honestly about as hard as healing a bad group 5 key levels lower.


I was late for that interrupt and now it’s on cooldown. Stop judging me.

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Turn off youtube on your 2nd monitor and you’ll get it. :wink:

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I don’t have a 2nd monitor. Was straight up tabbed out.


I think I did a 4 as disc and the damage was rough. I did season 2 as holy and I remember that boss being rough but it was nothing like as disc. Perhaps I need to look up how to get better at that kind of fight as disc or go back to holy on bosses like that third boss. Well done you!

I did a few 10s and 9s. Its not overtuned but not a walk in the park either. Many heal check boss that requires ppl using personals.

Uldaman from what I heard is the most difficult so far.

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Aint nothing worse than getting sniped and burning 2 interrupts on the same mob


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I’m bad… I need a gear crutch. Usually this point in the season I start at like a +6, then the week after a +8, then the week after a +10, then a +12, then a +13, then a +14 and finally get KSM

This season there’s no way I can start slow cries

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You’re in the majority here and there is always someone that was literally at the top of the game last season talking about how easy it is this season.

This is what we have here.

As my friend who used to heal in wow used to say, “Don’t make me press my buttons!”

You’re not my dad.

Healing a m0 Bracken let me tell you, that last boss made me press so many buttons I am terrified to heal it on even a +2 lol


Then I am bad too lol. I need all of the gear to feel more comfy in keys. Raid I don’t care as much, but keys…gear is king.

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A normal raid compared to a 0 this season is like a pop warner softball game compared to a UFC fight.

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That boss has almost nothing to heal if players don’t horribly mess up.

A tank heal absorb so 2-3 globals or focused healing on him.

Then every other totem is a raidwide aoe to heal back up.

Any other damage is from fails like touching the cloud or not killing the totem in time.