If you think m+ is overtuned you just arent pressing ur buttons


Just use add-ons. Take notice and boom profit. It will get you 6050 achievement points.

With that group composition, you absolutely could. If you were a competent healer (which one can safely assume you are from prior seasons experience), that group handles itself for the most part.

BDK never needs healing aside from the renew + echo ticking away

Paladin is also self sufficient minimalizing the tax put on you.

BM hunter was your Lust meaning hes got 15% minimum Leech, so long as hes pumping hes also reducing the healing tax.

Not overly familiar with Outlaw, but i dont think Leeching poison is their go to and outside of that im not sure what healing they have aside from Recup and Vial. But rogues do have decent defensives + Paladin blessing if needed

So youre looking at you and the Rogue to focus on for healing. Mechanics are simple. Competent group isnt going to be shattering any ice thingies, so there shouldnt be any ridiculous amounts of healing needing to go out.

As a healer main, you would definitely be able to be carried with minimal effort on your end.

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I’m kind of questioning if you’ve ever healed that boss in season 2 or now lol.

There are no dps that aren’t getting massively rotted the entire damage. Their leech isn’t out pacing anything.

That was a 150k+ hps boss way back in 430-440 gear in season 2.

That all seems to make sense but my suggestion was that they carried some random DPS through a 10 and then posted “I’ve literally seen people in S3 gear clearing 10s!”

but people are completing 10s on day one.

And “S3” gear could mean anything from a 450 to a 489 with leggo. So it’s still not very useful information.

I think it’s more to do with how the season rotational works, how easy s3 was and now players who were doing keys at the level they normally wouldn’t are getting brought back down to reality


Target the ones with a blue power bar first, the interrupt works better…

I’m getting PTSD from watching people get one shot in M0s.

My patience has ended.

Never said they were outpacing it. But 15% leech is huge and like a constant DR. The more you do, the more you mitigate.

To be fair, 0s are hard in 450 gear (my 460 Balance druid getting trucked by Leymoor in a 2+)

But its assuming 480+ and theres quite a few groups doing it. Granted, theyve all cleared the raid twice now (normal and heroic) and gotten some nice upgrades (trinkets come to mind).

I find it funny how Blizz makes things too difficult, 90% of you will say it’s too easy to sound boss, and Blizz listens and makes things more difficult.

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Wait, so I’m not supposed to just auto attack everything?

I push buttons. But I’m also out of (most) of my S3 gear. They are tuned alright for S4 gear, if you engage them with S3 gear it will feel harder because that happens when things are balanced on a much higher ilvl than what you’re wearing.

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