If you play S-tier spec and climb

To judge your real personal, player skill level, or real CR, go ahead and take off 300-400 rating. That is about where you sit in reality. No? Thoughts?

For those of you who REALLY NEED examples:
Holy Priest players vs current Disc. If both players are 2300. Subtract 300-400 rating the current Disc player, the Holy player is actually a much better player currently.
Fire mage vs Frost mage, if both players are 1900, go ahead and take off 300+ rating from the frost mage, the fire mage player is actually better.
Unholy DK vs Outlaw rogue. Yep. If they are both sitting at 2k, go ahead and take off 300+ rating from the DK player and the rogue player is actually better.

Pretty simply concept I’m throwing out here. If you can climb and not be the current OP specs, more power to you and grats, you are better then you think.


So you’re 1400 exp?


S-tier specs have a clear advantage in almost every situation, is playable by any skill level and “should” show signs of success, regardless of knowledgebase. This is, in general the classic S-tier description no? A-tier or B tier etc is playable but will show considerable weaknesses in certain areas and will require more knowledge base to be successful with.

Therefor my hypothesis or “true” CR does not apply to those who play classes below current S tier specs.

Of course this is only theory until approved. Do you not agree Seratox?


Yeah, people who use add-ons too.

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if you use keybinds you’re simply cheating and would be 300 rating lower than you are if you actually played fair


Disagree. Although I think a game mode without addons would be good for the game as a whole. That does not really apply to skill level, in my opinion.

Disagree. Trolling or just being silly, I can’t tell.

A player who gets 1800 on a frost mage couple weeks ago vs a player who achieved 1800 on a Prot war. Who is the better player? A player who got 1900 on an unDK the past week vs a player who got 1900 on an outlaw rogue, the rogue is the better player? A player that got 2200 playing affliction vs a player who got 2200 playing holy priest, the holy priest is better yea?

Sometimes I think the PVP player base likes to over complicate concepts, but in reality it’s fairly straight forward. Achieving something with a higher probability of failure is a greater player/achievement than those who achieve with everything already laid out for them.

If you are gonna try to troll at least put some effort in.
This one just makes it seem like your parents are blood relatives.


Trolling happens in the forums daily from everyone posting comments on any character that is not level 80.

By reading my sentences, editing for corrections, and posted replies, anyone with some sense should be able to see I am serious. I assume you disagree then?

You think i disagree that strong specs tend to do better? Does that confuse you somehow?

Its just a useless post, you are saying the most obvious thing and hoping for a response.
Its basically “Water is wet. Thoughts?”
One of the worst attempts at trolling in the history of the game.

How many generations ago did your ancestors decide to “keep it in the family”?


thats what this game has always been man

buff cycles come and go, people usually get their highest rating when their characters strength is their highest

i know some people who only sub to the game when their 1trickpony spec is OP, and they unsub as soon as single nerf comes in

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I think you need to read with a little more effort and think a little deeper to understand what you are reading before coming to conclusions.

Did I say “strong” specs? No. Now, does the community as a whole not drool at the mouth for tier lists and S-tier speculation? How many players re-roll characters based on these tier lists? You and I know 10-15% buffs or nerfs make huge impacts on what is “meta” and not playable in their eyes. Some players play what they enjoy and what is fun, while others limit their selection to what is currently super strong or S-tier. As an example, how many re-rolled DK recently? How many re-rolled frost mage when it was broken? How many games do you see disc priest in arena right now?

This is what I am referring to.

When someone does check pvp to see your xp, does it show an asterisk beside it because “achieved with S tier spec”? No…

People that complain other are only higher rated due to class strenght have a loser mentality

Like, if rating is so important to you, go reroll and climb? What does it matter what your career rating was acheived as. Pretty much every spec has been OP at one point or another

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This has been compounding for some years now and it is starting to really impact the community. I would venture to say the “inflation” of all this arena XP that is touted by some players comes from them playing OP specs at the time. Which artificially inflates their personal arena XP and the resulting impact is they expect others to also follow in their shoes, which many don’t, but then makes them look like worse players. We aren’t even mentioned those who pay for titles.

Season after season, if you are regularly playing a broken spec that everyone knows is OP in some way. Then you truly aren’t the XP or CR you are claiming to be, where is the standard or basis? I am simply saying this is slowly separating and corrupting our PVP community, LFG finder etc by assuming that everyone does this or accomplishes the same goals the same way. People should be joining groups together, regardless of spec, working together and learning together. Not rejecting people because the spec they play isn’t currently OP or S-tier.

For clarification, my Avatar is a warlock, but I also currently play an Arms/Prot war, Prot/Ret/Hpally, Enh/Ele/Rshaman, Hpriest, BM hunter.

I play the same main class with the same alts and the goals I want to achieve I do whether my main class is S tier or not.


I don’t know, but that would be a great addition. For it to show when they achieved that rating and what class they were playing at that time. I am certain, many of you could remember recently what seasons certain classes were super broken OP. How many of those players are using that rating as their highest rating XP? I’m sure most. Which is exactly my point and does not reflect what true experience is.

Because It impacts the amount of players who are participating in PVP. Considering that every single LFG group today requires you to be R1 or mGlad. Have you used the LFG in the past 3-4 weeks? It is not common to find a group for 3s who play at the so-called average level anymore and it is this so called “expectation” the community has placed on it’s players that have caused this.

does this logic work in reverse? am i just untouchable or something

Yep - get the Credit Card ready! WoW tokens await!

Wrong way to look at this game. There are S specs I can’t play very well, meanwhile some A or B tier specs I play well and can climb much higher. I don’t think playing an s tier spec makes much of a difference to be honest.

If you can climb to say 2200 as an A tier melee, I don’t see you magically becoming 2400 because you roll an S tier melee alt.

i’d say its about 200 rating more than you usually would be

for shuffle though, I usually subtract around 400-800 depending on how the inflation is and what spec youre playing in shuff

This kinda only applies for average or below average players. A good player can generally play a bad spec and still do really well on it. It doesn’t make them better than the other person qing at the top of the ladder on a better spec.
However for bad players it definitely makes a significant difference. If your spec is significantly stronger than another one it’s generally a lot easier to play at a competent level. Compared to playing a bad spec and it being a lot worse at securing kills or defensively making it a lot harder for the worse player to be good at it. However this doesn’t include the few specs with pretty high skill floors where even when they are the best spec in the game bad players still can’t just reroll if for free rating.