If you own an iPhone

Wait till people who don’t know about it discover Operation Paperclip, and abandon all tech that stemmed from it.

Stay stalwart, warriors!

They also gave us Fanta.

Accepting things because you can’t change them is a part of life. If a person couldn’t do anything without full acceptance of it, that person wouldn’t do anything. I doubt you could find a whole hearted, good company with no red in their ledger.

To be clear, their response is bad, because they expect the patch of “we removed these problematic things because you’re looking at them now” to work, when they’ve known about these things for years now. People taking a stand and either quitting, striking, in game protests etc are there way of letting them know that more is needed. It’s a tangible thing that people can do, with the tools they already have to make a difference.

Pointing to another big issue like Apple using child and/or what is essentially slave labor to create iPhones is bad, but to actually change that would need people from all walks of life to give a damn, whereas wow players just need to not play the game, and the game makes that easy because it’s designed in such a way to make people not like it.

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Just report OP for obvious trolling and make room for the next troll.

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There is a massive difference between iPhones and Blizzard, my friend.

Hearing that women in the United States are being abused is a good reason to stop supporting the abusers. Hearing unsubstantiated rumors that a company is using overseas slave labor is not even comparable.

So…getting by doesn’t mean you have to have a cell phone, actually there is literally nothing you actually need that has been invented in the civilized world.

Don’t’ believe me ask the Kung Bushmen. Making comparative ethical modalities isn’t whataboutism…it’s being cognizant enough to realize ones own hypocrisy . But this isn’t about honesty, it’s about an agenda.

So because I use a phone created under terrible circumstances, I shouldn’t unsubscribe from a video game company?

It’s substantially easier to change Blizzard’s conditions than China’s.


They are substantiated pretty well and I use an iPhone still. However, Apple has made many changes, increased wages, and tries to control the situation more now than they did in the past. It is their reputation on the line after all.

Your post is the epitome of being tone deaf.

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Every source I look at says there are accusations and no evidence. You mind linking me?

(I did read they’re allegedly working to ensure their employees are treated better, but not necessarily in connection to the rumors.)

Sure… Apple provides an annual compliance report now after the reports from the early 2000s.

You can compare this year’s report with a previous year like 2013…

At a certain point most people have to pick their battles. You can’t fight every fight, but you can lend your weight towards some things.

People fighting for cancer research aren’t morally defunct because they don’t fight for Alzheimer’s research. They may well support that endeavor but not have the bandwidth to help with that fight.

So, sure, be consistent. That doesn’t mean much here, though. Modern living has made phones somewhat of an essential item. You can’t escape the problems with phones usually, so you have to eat that bullet. You can, however, put your voice against the practices that you disagree with; people might call you a hypocrite for having a phone but that doesn’t make you wrong, just unpalatable.

When I say that I don’t support Blizzard, I’m saying “this is within my bandwidth to try to help.” I can write home about Apple vs Samsung all I want but I still need a phone for 80% of my communications that aren’t face to face. That’s not within my bandwidth to do anything about.


You’re talking about Apple’s struggle to improve from over a decade ago that is ongoing. So buying an iPhone is not actually supporting slavery and all the current complaints are just rumors.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll believe it if I see the evidence. But the comparison in this thread is not even remotely close.

Does that extend to clothes, shoes, etc etc pretty much everything because it almost all comes from China

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Doesn’t matter actually that it happened years ago. It will be a stain on Apple’s reputation for a long time.

“If you’re gonna do this then you should do this too and if you don’t you’re a hypocrite, think the way I think or you’re a bad person” is such a terrible and stupid take.


So because I have a difference of opinion, I am a troll?

This thread isn’t about reputation stains. It’s about supporting active abuse and inequality. OP is calling us hypocrites for using iPhones when buying an iPhone literally doesn’t support cruelty.

If Blizzard gets its s* together in ten years and subscription money doesn’t fund fratboy culture, then great. Reputation stain or not, buying the game won’t be supporting cruelty.

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I feel it is more about consistency with all the different forms of entertainment mediums in america, who, quite frankly, all tend to promote this type of sexist behavior in some way, indirectly or directly or otherwise.

While it is a person’s choice to quit over these allegations, they most likely still support mediums that have these types of behaviors going on in some way. For example, a ton of people quitting wow over the sexual assault scandals probably watch american football, which is full of woman beaters and abusers.

If you go to the movies, you are probably indirectly supporting henry weinstein in some way. Alot of people quitting wow over this probably support and listen to chris brown, who is a woman beater. It is almost impossible to listen to a trump supporter who is quitting wow over these sexual allegations, as trump was pretty well known for being a sexist and mysogynistic prick.

I feel that is all the OP is saying. If people are going to quit wow over poor working conditions and sexual assault scandals and junk, you might as well give up on most of the other things you support as well.


Well said!