Please only do it in PvP. As someone who has played this spec for eight years, I don’t think MM is right in PvP and I think it needs to be nerfed in PvP.
It’s damage profile is a powerful burst sequence followed by a weak filler sequence. I think that’s great in PvP when the burst sequence can chunk about 70% of the enemy’s health, but completely unfair when it takes them 100-0 before the burst sequence is even half-over.
With the Kyrian ability (which is not the only problem), we can now cast Double Tap, Resonating Arrow, LoS them, Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, another Aimed Shot, and a Kill Shot, which usually results in the enemy dying. This is especially effective (and broken) against specs with low mobility and no hard immunity.
So I am asking that you nerf MM in PvP, and that you nerf MM ONLY in PvP. What I don’t want to happen is another big nerf that makes our burst sequence do as much damage as another spec’s regular sequence and our filler rotation do even less.
MM is bursty, and that is great! But our bursts are only balanced if they come with filler periods. We should have short periods where we do much more damage than other players as well as slightly longer periods where we do less damage to balance it out. This is a good thing to have in dungeons, raids, and while out in the open world because it gives our spec a unique (and fun) damage profile. But right now, with everybody’s dps:hp ratio being so high, this damage profile just doesn’t work in PvP: It is all burst and no filler, since enemies usually die during the burst.
So please, Nerf MM in PvP and ONLY in PvP. Marksmanship’s damage profile is really fun for me and I want it to stay that way- just not in a place where it can cause such dissatisfaction to others. I also don’t want it to be where it was for the majority of BfA because MM’s burst window was balanced with everyone else’s regular window.
Here are some potential remedies I’m thinking about:
- Increasing the health pools significantly in PvP (I’m talking two/three times as much) without any changes to damage done. This would make fights longer and stop high-burst specs like MM Hunter and Sub Rogue from taking people 100-0 in one burst sequence. OR:
- PvP-only change: Double tap is half as effective when used above 50% focus. PvP-only change: Arcane Shots do less damage - Some of my Arcane Shots with a precise shots proc are hitting almost as hard as my Aimed Shots even though they’re instant and cost less focus.
- Camouflage is now broken when the hunter casts Double Tap or Trueshot to give people time to prepare for and respond to heavy hits.
I think that any of these solutions would make MM a much more fair opponent.
Again: Nerf in PvP ONLY. Please do not kill Marksmanship in PvE by trying to balance it in PvP. It’s in the middle of the pack right now for most PvE situations and I’d like it to stay that way.
Tl;dr: Marksmanship’s damage profile is unique and fun, but it doesn’t work right now in PvP. Some changes need to be made to MM in PvP ONLY so that the spec will make a fair opponent in PvP, but will not suffer in PvE like it did in BfA.