If you hate Vulpera...could be worse, could have lalafell

only if i can eat them


Hey, you leave the Lalafell alone! My Commodore Pompadour is cool!

He is the hero everyone needs and deserves! Powered by the might of his wiggle physics pompadour he vanquishes evil!


He stole that pompadour from some guy in a vaultā€¦

As if we need a walking talking 420 memeā€¦

I donā€™t have as much of a problem with Lalas than I do with the people who play them. Lalas arenā€™t as bad looking as the moreā€¦trappy lolis from say a game like Tera. But the majority of Lala players Iā€™ve come across have been the most rude and unpleasant human beings Iā€™ve had the misfortune of coming across.

Lalas in the story thoughā€¦they arenā€™t bad. In terms of theā€¦revealing mogs for Lala, itā€™s still not as bad. Even when wearing revealing stuff, their body types just make them look like a potato, itā€™s not sexualized at all I feel. I donā€™t think people could look at a shapeless popoto wearing a bikini and think, ā€œaw yeah, sheā€™s hotā€

I love little foxes, wtf you talking about. Horde needed some cuteness imo.

When I tried FFXIV, I was looking through the character options, and accidentally hit the button that strips your character down to their underwear when I was on the lalafells. Felt like I needed to be put on some kind of government list for seeing that. Japan needs to stop.

My only problem as a Vulpera is finding a good hat! Anyone have any good recommendations?


Use another vulperas head as a hat?