If you hate Vulpera...could be worse, could have lalafell

No its not. Cat girls are hot. Way hotter than you. I sense jelly.

Nothing in WoW is worse than Vulpera.


As an avid ffxiv player Lalafells are indeed the worst thing ever by far. You’ll be having a serious moment in the story when all of a sudden some baby-potato hybrid comes, quite literally, waddling into the room to give some profound or inspiring insight but since they’re an avocado with legs it doesn’t come across correct at all.

To make matter worse that’s the game director’s/producer’s favorite race. So of course they’re involved in 90% of the questlines. I love FFXIV but I HATE lalafells.

On the topic of vulpera, however, I hate them a lot too. They’re a random addition as playable race. All their lines and voice actings grate on me a lot. They come across to me as a perfectly terrible mix of smugness and blandness.

Their non-existent lore is also dumb. Even in their own zone they only have a minor side role. They basically just play taxi driver while annoying you with dumb llama songs until they drive you to the actual important characters in the zone.

Additionally one of the lore reasons given for no high elves for years was because of their small population yet the vulpera barely even have a tiny quest hub and there was no problem adding then. Then the Zandalari aren’t allowed to have warlocks cause they didn’t have enough interaction with demons, despite their being previous lore to indicate otherwise as well as warlock npcs. Yet somehow the little fox creatures who have been living in desert caves all this while have the nebulous prerequisite “demon interaction” to be warlocks.

Not to mention that blizz did an awesome job at adding some lore, depth, and personality to the gilgoblins/unshackled yet they got passed over cause of the stupid walking rats. They had created some cool parallels between the horde and unshackled and they would have fit the pervious pattern of “subraces” they had been following with the other allied races.

Gnomes may exist but at least with them they’re fun and quirky and have a role they preform very well. They’re the perfect example of “I hate them, but I love to hate them”. With vulpera I just straight up detest and loath them. I know a lot of people had been looking forward to them so congratulations to them, but as for me I won’t ever be on board with their addition.


I’ll never main a Vulpera. But they do fit into the Horde more than Blood Elves and Undead ever did, I’ll take them.

Scrappy, resourceful underdogs with a hint of deviousness. Precisely the kind of people that Thrall was thinking about when founding Orgrimmar.

Lalafell are the master race


They’re equally ugly tbh.

Perhaps it is simply because you haven’t experienced the characters then.

Tataru Taru, one of the main lalafell you meet in the game, is not only your accountant, tailor, and dear friend, but a cutthroat on the market while also being an absolute sweet heart when the time comes. Many people would meme that they would protect her with their life because of just how meaningful of a character she is.

Then you have the Sultana, Nanomo Ul Namo, who is incredibly naive to start but really grows into her own as a leader of an entire nation. You watch her rise up from a child thinking that doing what is right is being objectively good, to realizing that in order for her goals to be met she needs to put more thought behind her actions besides just “do good things”.

Last but not least, Teledji Adeledji, the money grubbing backstabbing little half-pint is a villain you can love to hate because of just how much he destroys your character in the plot with subterfuge and blackmail. It makes it all the more satisfying when you see the guy get cleaved in two on screen.

So, on paper, they might sound like a trope, but, if you’ve played the game, you’d actually know that the lalafell of FFXIV are actually some of the best written characters in the game outside of the main cast.


mecha gnomes

what “purpose” the vulperas serve?

aside from doing horde chores like their “recruit” questline :thinking:

ah yes good welcome rugs :+1:


If you hate Vulpera, it could be worse … they could be Demon Hunters.

Lalafell are better then Vulpera and Lalafell suck.


The void elves are much the same though, pulled out of the bums of Blizzard. And I play one.

You forgot the scions blm… until he … he… crys

Except gnomes don’t look like children, they look like deformed old people.

Lalafel for all intents a purposes are straight up children, that you can dress in… revealing mogs…

Like the hell FF14?

Tbh gnome do look like children more than lalafell do tbh I mean rlly… that’s some denial you got there

I remember many kids who looked like that when I was in 6th grade… the beards and mustaches look like 12 dollar fakes from one of those old stores…

Lalafell look more like Kepler elfs from those cookie ads and club crackers

As a black mage the thaumaturge guild is run by a bunch of lala brothers. It’s kind of funny they’re the darkest magicians in Ul’dah (and their non-magical brother gets possessed by a demon and starts walking on the ceiling and like that). I kind of take that race more seriously in that game than I probably should, personality wise they are all over the place.


I want fungarians!

Fungus race yes please. This character is named after a fungus genus and I’d love to make a Fungus Gang guild. Might do it anyway with undead, at least just me and my brother who has a similar name.


These guys would have been so great!