If you had to make a priest. what race would you chose?

Poling is closed. i am panda. bow before the fluff

im a race changing fiend… and i cant decide…
please let me know your opinions

currently the votes are split between
3 tauren,
2 undead
2 gnome.
2 z troll
1 void elf.
1 d trol

Undead or NE, depending on the faction.

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strictly horde 5 lyfe

On Horde? Female Undead.

Shadowlands customization looks dope for Undead. Literally the perfect Horde race now that you can fix bone sticking out of your armour.

Do you want racial traits or aesthetics?

asthetics /10 characters

gnome, what else? :man_shrugging:

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Tauren. Watching beef shine and shadow is so udderly mooving really! No bull!


Void elf, fits with shadow priest.

god i hate and love you xD

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Zandalari or Tauren imo.

Is this a trick question? GNOME! or GOBLIN! If you must be taller… Dorf or Troll.



i want to see your utters sway while you cast then imma sit down and eat some cheese to regain my health and wash it down with some milk

Strictly Horde?


I’d say Zandalari, but I’m not keen of their casting animations. :man_shrugging:

Hmm. Im a fan of several horde races, but for a priest… I’d say nightborne. I know there’s some negativity regarding their design but I think it’d fit

VOID ELF for shadow

You missed a few votes. Don’t worry I fixed it.

troll for the haste buff

anything that isn’t a blood elf or void elf.

Well, I did and chose, Bouncy Nelf, Cutesy Gnome, Generous Pandaren, Sexy Mag’har Orcess.