If you had to make a priest. what race would you chose?


if zanda is an option, zanda is the choice



Vulpera can be priests right?

If we’re talking Horde… goblin or mag’har.

Yes, yes we can!

my priest is undead

If Alliance… I’d have to say Void Elf over the other options. Humans are boring, and I really hate the Night Elf casting animations (especially the males), and I don’t much care for the other races that you can play as a Priest. Horde… Undead all the way.

I typically pick my race / class choices on lore and RP value.

So for Alliance id go Draenei or Human.

And Horde would be Undead for sure.

Aesthetics, Blood Elf, honestly everything looks great on them.

But in saying that, I think you look great as undead too.

Goblin of course.

Not only can you justifiably demand a gold fee before rezzibg your friends but you also get an extra movement option with Rocket Boots, which the immobile Priest highly appreciates.

Or Undead for Devouring Plague racial spell.

What’s that? Priests no longer get racial spell bonus. Oh, too bad that was supper cool times.

Of course, with needing mention you get to play on the better faction. And by better, I mean better in every possible imaginable way. Of course.

Undead, the new customizations and priest aesthethic just works!! Also Zandalari troll, because voodoo priest is cool/different than your run of the mill priest. Also zandalari heritage armour allows some interesting xmog combinations.

Blood elf.

Blood Elf is the only way


As a bonus, we have gotten the catastrophic explosion rate down to about 10% now. It’s very reliable compared to a massive dragon foot crushing you because you couldn’t move fast enough without the rocket boot!

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Say where’s Draenei, Human, Blood Elf, and Night Elf on the list?

If it’s a Horde, it’s probably going to be female BE. I love BE, even with the somewhat odd casting animations. My next choice would be Nightborne.

For Alliance id choose Draenei. The entire Class Orderhall is Draenei themed, as well as the Holy Artifact weapon. Priest fits Draenei quite well. Also, have you seen them new tail length options? Good stuff!

For Horde id choose Troll. They get their powers from the Loa and stuff, which is pretty cool. And Troll females are underrated.

I have one and its vulpera