If you had 30 seconds to ask a lore question at Blizzcon what would you ask?

Can I have your stuff?


I thought about a few other questions which I would also like to ask:

  • Why have a incompetent child (aka Anduin) the control over the forces of the alliance?

  • Why couldnā€™t the alliance plan the attack of Undercity and would die to the most obvious weapon of the forsaken if there wouldnā€™t be Jaina.

  • Why did the Horde didnā€™t learn from the mistake of MoP and just choose an other dictator and if we get rid of Sylvanas would you to it a 3rd time?

It isnā€™t in a crib lorewise. In BtS it could already run, speak and even read but Blizz donā€™t care about immersion (warchief) and let the zones unchanged until they become relevant again.


Many niche or trivial questions aside, Iā€™d simply ask:

What is the objective of having the Alliance suffer defeats they never truly respond do, while the Horde is broadly painted as unreasonable villains, and is the satisfaction of the player base with their factionā€™s story an honest consideration?


If they do kill him, and his 2 traitor friends. Iā€™d gladly give the lands all the way to ashenvale/barrens border back to the Night elves.


ā€œDoes lore story has any importance in Wow development ?ā€
If by chance yes, what the hā€¦ err how ā€¦whatā€™s theā€¦what do youā€¦ Ok never mind. "


Well i would ask : " Why canĀ“t u guys portrays the Horde as a military force capable of planning strategies that looks realistic? Why should the Horde help the Zandalari if the main problem of the faction was get resource from Kaldorei lands. In terms of military objectives Horde had won the war in day one and have fullfilled his main goal that was to keep Kalimdor for them. Btw the main plot of this expansion was the Horde to keep exclusivity in azerite , so since they have pushed out the main issue in the continent and the draenei arenā€™t a threat why they should send military forces to another continent when the Alliance has no naval power to reclaim the continent, and the Horde also could simple deny them by using massive amounts of azerite weapons. Is there any true in the statement of Sylvannas that she wanted a Horde empire in Kalimdor?"

ā€œIf the Horde was always meant to be evil why didnā€™t you advertise them as such?ā€

Itā€™s probably the biggest thing that bothers me with the modern portrayal of the Horde. If Iā€™m going to be the evil faction I would like to have been told this before I rolled my character.

Would have changed my whole rp


What in the world(of Warcraft) is this? A copypasta I hope?

Idkā€¦ but he would have to say it really fast to get it out of his mouth in the 30 second window the OP suggested.

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Man I read the thing and it still doesnā€™t make sense. You didnā€™t miss much.

Of all the ways to subvert expectations regarding Sylvanas being Warchief why did you have to go with the most blatantly obvious path of her going crazy and doing dumb things?

Wouldnā€™t it have been much more interesting of both horde and alliance not trusting her, yet her actually trying to create a better world genuinely with others on both sides attempting to subvert her by causing things leaving many confused and wanting to place blame on her.


There are people posting that this is already the case.

I donā€™t believe the people posting that honestly believe that, but theyā€™ll keep posting it nonetheless.

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Some people think thatā€™s strength (from their view)

I have to disagree. Sylvanas is definitely not a good example of female empowering. Jaina has been handled a lot better. With her mom. Also note that we got Thayrssa, moira, maylara, alleria. For some empowerment.

Theyā€™re probably the same kind of people who chain themselves to mining equipment and steal rabbits from farmers then complain they get shot at.

well she knows that she is wrong that is why she said ā€œfor the sake of controversyā€.

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right, and for me itā€™d be wtf man wtf.

At the moment most likely why did they decide to do the exact opposite of what both the Horde and Alliance players wanted and had the Horde attack first, instead of having the Alliance finally be proactive, and the Horde not be morally black.

Seriously whoever made the call that War of Thorns should happen first and then doubled down making the burning of Teldrasil was a choice instead of accident based on Azerite, broadsided this expansion.