If you had 30 seconds to ask a lore question at Blizzcon what would you ask?

I’d ask if they are aware of the Final Fantasy XIV’s Director’s desire for a collaboration with Blizzard(any collaboration even if they want to outright hire him for a Diablo Game) and if they’d collaborate to make a WoW Expansion based on Secret of Mana and Trials of Mana(complete with the telltale Architecture from the Elemental Palaces that hold the Mana Seeds)?


Is reincarnation a thing in WoW?

What beloved franchise do you plan to destroy after WOW?


When will we see Jorin Deadeye again?

Will we ever get to see Thura in game? Now that Saurfangs’ story seems to be wrapping itself up, we need someone to fill in those big shoes.

The Alliance just got Alleria and Turalyon back, can the Horde get some major figures back as well?

What ever happened to MU Fenris and Tagar?

Will we ever see our Taunka allies again?

Upon killing him in black Temple, what did Teron Gorefiend mean by the wheel of death “spinning again”? Is this an implication of him returning some day?

Can we get more story for Kargath Bladefist? He’s such a criminally underused figure with a great backstory and he deserves more attention.


Isn’t Overwatch the only one left? They brutally murdered Diablo, Starcraft is allegedly shelved indefinitely after another shooter spinoff got canceled(again), and Heroes of the Storm is officially a “Classic” game. Hearthstone dropped the Warcraft name ages ago, so I dunno how you want to count it.

Overwatch is pretty much abandoned.

Why did you ruin the Scarlet Crusade? WHY?!

Also what is Lordaeron like now that the Argent Crusade is disbanded and the Forsaken are gone?

this right here is my biggest problem with the movie, right here. I don’t know what it says about me that the bad guy’s song was my favorite one in the movie, but it was. and that they chanted like 10% of it at you, and then called it done was quite a let down for me.

Rexxar is a hunter. Just like all weapons are hunter weapons, all lands are Horde lands.


Disney’s always been fantastic at doing villain songs, it would be weird if you didn’t love at least some of them. They’re hammy, they’re well done and catchy to boot. Hellfire is probably my favourite and that’s a guy singing about how his lust is the woman’s fault and she can love him or die.

Replacing Be Prepared with about a quarter of it being spoken instead was an all around disappointment. I hope they don’t repeat that mistake if they ever do a remake of something else.

Disney’s song for Sylvanas:

Nathanos could be the guy with the green eyes, and Anduin could be the little eyeball guy in the song’s intermission.


This should have been her Warbringer’s.

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Tagar Spinebreaker can be currently found roaming the hills near the Path of Glory Outland. Though the fel orc is killable though there is no associated quest to kill him.

And I think that it was a missed opportunity in not having MU Fenris among the Army of Light during the Argus patch. It would have given the orcs a token presence, given the Horde one it’s old heroes, and the banter between Alleria and Fenris could have been hilarious.

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I know it’s a day late but eat your heart out Billie Eilish. That was great.

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Are you planning to resurrect important and wasted lore characters after every bad expansion?

alternate use of my 30 seconds would be showing them this clip, and saying it is how i feel about the WoW Lore atm