If you had 30 seconds to ask a lore question at Blizzcon what would you ask?

“Why do you say things you know will hurt me?”


“In what new way will you disappoint me with the next lore reveal?”


The most jarring thing about the movie was the brief flashes of High Elves in the background.

They looked completely plastic. Like props on a Teletubbies set.

They should have just gotten some pale folks, braided their hair, and slapped on Spock ears.


yeah, elves don’t need to be CGI. Just get fit, lithe people, and do everything you mentioned. Early 2000’s Orlando Bloom types. When I think elves, I think “dudes who look like Legolas and dudettes who look like Liv Tyler”


I believe that was a comparison the movie was intentionally trying to avoid. Also, Warcraft elves always had a slightly distinctive look to them, separating them from Tolkien elves. So it wouldn’t have made sense either to make them look like Legolas or Liv Tyler’s character from LotR.

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I would demand more Dwarf storytime and ask why Moira’s kid is still a baby in a crib.


This but I’d phrase it so they would have to address the fact it’s an actual genocide instead of letting them use weasel words to avoid saying it.

The problem with that movie is the same problem with the new lion king movies.

There are things that work in 2D or Stylized 3D.

And then there are things that work with realistic 3D.

Neither can do everything the other does.
That is why that movie failed I believe aesthetically it was all over the place and the writing was way too rushed.

With a stylized look and simpler script it would have been much more interesting.

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How come there are no ducks in WoW?


That spoken word songs suck in comparison to bombastic villain songs?

Controversial question for the sake of controversy: Why is feminism and female empowerment a Horde-only feature?


Overly dramatic response for the sake of being dramatic.

  • Because the Horde changes Warchiefs like we change our underwear therefore we can explore female empowerment, check it off the list and get back to our regularly scheduled programming after. Y’all are stuck with Anduin forever so there’s no room for that kind of thing in the Alliance.

Its more than just Warchief’s. Its also their history of showing Alliance women as overtly emotional, incompetent drama queens with a case of empty nest syndrome that need a man to do serious work.



The Horde have the feminist themes and female empowerment? Last I checked their only prominent female leader was a raving lunatic. We’ve got Jaina and Tyrande who are only mostly raving lunatics.


“… and why did you think that your customers would want that, or be satisfied with it?”

“Well, it’s quite simple really. We asked our primary Horde player and our primary Alliance player, Charles Manson and Mother Theresa respectively, about how each faction should behave, and extrapolated that every single player of each of their factions would possess completely identical opinions.”


Honestly, right now I think I would ask

“What is up with Rexxar’s dialogue when you first see him in Stormsong Valley? What is he even talking about, what did Jaina do? Is this something that was cut?”

because that Rexxar line sticks in my head as something that I cant explain.


I still think it’s hilarious that he talks about reclaiming land that rightfully belongs to the Horde when they’re the ones invading Kul Tiras.


all valid questions.
mine would a minor variaton.

“why did you thought that it was a good idea double down all the problems that we had with the past faction war and get it to this point where if the horde isn’t deleted the alliance would become such a joke that they should be deleted instead?”

Or better yet.
“what the hell you guys were thinking with doing war of thorns and then deciding to change the focus to somewhere else
and why instead on focusing on the victims they instead chose in literally anything but the genocide in teldrassil where even horde characters get CGI cinematics while the nelfs/alliance fans still have to pray to get something? that deals with their revenge?”

hey thats not fair at least we got lovely lucille waycrest!
her family went nuts, his beyonce was murdered and even when she can’t really fight she went straigh to the horror house and kicked the s*** out of the witches!

i believe that this was something that was cut yes, and i think that i have more evidence of this but i guess that doesn’t really matter now.


Just my own personal theory but I do believe whoever wrote that wasn’t sure. Rexxar is linked to the Kul’tirans from WC3 and they were probably told to use him as a follower and make a quest for him. We heard before release “Jaina may have an abnormal side” so whoever wrote that for him naturally used that as the motivation, maybe not knowing what it would actually end up being (nothing).


I wouldn’t be surprised whatever shenanigans Lord Stormsong was up to was originally meant for Jaina. Maybe in her attempt to fight the Horde, she crossed the line using some dark forbidden magic that released all those tentacle creatures?

Ok people aren’t getting it, so I’m going to explain patiently.

There’s no Blizzcon this year people will start getting their refunds and stuff this year.

There’s no more WoW, Blizzard, Everquest, anything, there’s no more anime, video games, basically, just anything at all.

Why? Because basically no one was nice to me.

I’m a nerd, I was never invited to Blizzcon, to Blizzard to get a job, here to the forum to be taken seriously even though I read like every quest multiple times and constantly was engaged by the franchise.

People just have never been nice to me, I’ve been a way worse victim than any of the top brass at Blizzard and the government, fans, people, in general, just people anywhere never cared.

I couldn’t get a job or make money, because the government assigns you a job based on genetics basically, or something like that.

But anyway, I’m more or less taking away everything from you all because none of you deserve it.

High Elves were real, I suppose, I don’t know, stuff like that, like the story team at Blizzard literally I think this might be true ordered me to be assassinated killed IRL I’m not even joking. It’s not slander if it’s true but also I’m not a newspaper or anything but like people were coming to my house in vans and stuff for awhile.

You all are awful, you can’t be civil, you can’t just be nice to a fellow nerd, you are all too cowardly to take chances because well you have to be run through the mainstream people to figure out your sexuality first and stuff like that.

All anyone ever had to do was just be nice, just be nice to me, just be inviting, just be real just pay me actual money, just pay me actual money, give me an actual job, show respect for my circumstances what I should know when how, invite me to parties, invite me to your Blizzcon pre parties, message me directly be concrete direct, 6:00 PM Saturday here’s the address.

All my years on the earth and people couldn’t manage any of that, whatever gender I might be the opposite gender whether nerd or otherwise would never ask me on a date, would never ask for my number, would never any number of things, I was ostracized from nerd culture, reviled, people would haunt me at conventions like I was the mainstream or a spy.

I honestly hate everyone here, I hate America, I hate Canada, I hate Europe, I hate nerds, jocks, everyone.

And everyone here thinks I’m joking.

I’m not.

Every single person who just couldn’t be nice to me… your lives are over… you will without a shadow of a fraction of a doubt only live lives full of regret.

Good bye.