If you don't want to Socialize then go back to Retail!

Kinda funny coming from people who try to dictate how other people should play the game, or even better, denying people on smaller realms the ability to run dungeons (more frequently). All because you have nothing else in your life besides a videogame.


He does have something besides videogames… trolling on forums of said videogames


And that lol.

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Think it’s more so the genre dictating how you play this time.

This is completely irrelevant.

It’s honestly just reality, Anti posts get false flagged and taken down more than Pro posts for a reason.

I never dictated anything, I am simply agreeing with Blizzard’s decision to remove RDF to preserve the Classic Community spirit.


The only thing "Troll"ing here is our race and faction change we are proud to offer!

In a wonderful blue post a couple days ago, detailed plans for race and faction change are coming to World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King launching on September 26th!

If you want to be a troll, you will now have the option! Or a gnome! Even the ever so scary undead! ouuuuuuuu.

We are so fortunate to have such wonderful leadership at World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King launching on September 26th. See you in Northrend friend!

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There is no community spirit on megarealms, where most people play anyway.

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There will be more of a community spirit with lack of RDF.

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maybe not for you. But I know how to talk to people and they don’t scare me.

OP has a point. WoW is full of antisocial nerds these days. Which is fine really, it is what you make it.
But acting as if the majority aren’t
here for their clique and the game only is disingenuous af.

Good for you. Do you know all 20k+ people on your server? No? Then its not a server community, its a ‘you’ community centered around your own clique. Its probably tiny compared to the server size, same as anyone else’s bubble in the game. Its not going to be enhanced or destroyed by ingame tools.


yeah thats the point im making. You can make the community you want to have. Everyone crying about social experiences is as antisocial as those who are laughing at them for crying.

You’re all terrible. But no one would have the sack to ever just be honest about it. Because at the end of the day they still care about social interaction lmfao. Not sure if hypocritical or ironic.

Thats like saying at the end of the day people still eat. Well, duh. But not everyone gets theirs the same way. Some do through being obnoxious to other people in dungeon runs / while making groups, offering unsolicited unwanted friendship. Others get it through forum trolling, discord, simping for insta thots, wasting money on streamers or just talking to actual people outside online venues. So that everyone needs socialization has nothing to do with the game itself, as the game is just one of many, many ways for that to be realized.

Its HOW you eat and WHAT you eat to stick to your analogy.

Acting like eating turds nude on top of the table is the same as following proper etiquette

BUT you’re definitely correct that socialization is gonna happen with a person on or off wow.
It’s not a negative point against anyone if they dont wanna socialize in wow. And it doesnt make anyone lesser for wanting to either.

I just think people in general have garbage takes on the socializing thing BECAUSE THEYRE IN CONTROL OF IT.

Fair enough Rdf. I see Gdpk also agrees with you :slight_smile:

People don’t scare me either nor do I have problems talking to people. Better luck next time fella. Megarealms are the opposite of a server community. Megarealms cause healthy population realms as we had in OG Vanilla to die out and destroy server communities. Not having RDF on smaller realms means those will die out too, we already can see that with TBC realms, the rest of the Classic Vanilla servers are a graveyard aswell.

WoW never was that peak of socializing some people like to think. The reality was that most people never said much in dungeons. But then again, some people seem to think that some random dude saying “HI” in a dungeon is the pinacle of socializing and think they’re now best friends for life.

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Yeah but its like pretending that because one out of 100 restaurants in town changes their menu suddenly nobody can eat anything anymore. There are tons of options out there still, and now preparation takes half as long so you can sit, get served and leave much easier and faster. But people liked the chit chat during long wait times and are acting like those who enjoy the meal but cant be stuck there for hours are somehow wrong. Then when the few people with time to waste arent enough to keep the business afloat, they’ll whine about how wrong those others were for leaving and ‘killing the place’.

For real. Anyone whos mad about dungeon finder and what not just isn’t capable of breaking the ice.
I get it. having to type for groups gave you a reason to talk to someone. But you dont need that. I believe in you and your ability to just talk.

yeah I get it. I genuinely dislike both sides of this because neither side wants to take the other into consideration.
The tool was a good one.
Meant to reply to the orc lmfao derp.

wait no I didnt. I just have dyslexia apparently and mixed your profile pictures up.

Wait, so a server community only exists when you know everyone on your server?