If you don't make changes, pvp is going to stay dead

Yeah that’s how I feel about the minority of people who raid.

I guess we’re all welcome to our uneducated hot takes.

Here’s another option people like you might like:

Realize you’re arguing on a forum about a 20 year old mmo engine that promotes equally outdated pve. Find a better game to scratch that open world itch.

Let the players who indulge in other aspects of this outdated game say what they want since they also pay to play.

Good, it can stay dead. PvP sucks, and has sucked since BFA.

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Weird inversion here. Normally people being sarcastic are taken seriously because it can translate poorly to text; in this case I was actually being serious, not sarcastic.

I don’t care for PVP, but I don’t think its players should be ignored.

The “minigame” comment came off like a quip against pvp.

Given the number of players who actually play some form of pvp per previous dev comments, it’s a fairly large portion of the theme park that is WoW. People generally use the term minigame regarding WoW pvp as a way to be dismissive of pvp content and players.

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If you can’t get 1950 in solo shuffle it’s a you issue.

This is what I hoped for when they announced rated bg’s way back in the day.

Flag caps, flag returns, node caps, node defense, kb/d ratio all could be relevant in the rating. Perhaps even something to measure the defense of nodes like a point modifier for fighting around nodes, flags, orbs, carts etc. The problem would likely be they would want to include w-l ratio in a rating and that wouldn’t work in regular bg’s. One noob’s fumble can throw a whole game. More times than not, a strong kb/d ratio can be a decent indicator of the players ability to handle their class(unless it’s a hunter globaling the undergeared or lighting up AV or Ashran). Sometimes the spec may be op BUT that also applies in all other areas of rated, too.

Online games have moved more into a solo experience(wow included) so an attempt to implement a personal performance rating system could be good.

And for all we know, having flag caps, flag returns, node caps, node defense, and kb/d ratio all factoring into the rating may be the nudge needed to encourage players to hit the objectives instead of just running straight to mid and staying there the whole game.

But they would also need to address premade raids cheesing the que system before any of that and they either don’t care, or don’t know, wtf to do.

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You know the dev’s lie right? Almost no one PvP’s in WoW.

No, they say it because it is a fact and no matter how hard Blizzard tries to shove it down our throats it will always be a minigame.

Mmmkay. Thanks for your opinion.

Edit: Please, if you’re going to claim the devs lie, back it with stats. Numbers. Graphs. Show me your evidence.

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I won’t comment on whether the devs are lying or not, but PvP is not in a good spot right now.

Frankly, I blame the Monk and Demon Hunter classes for the mobility creep which then led to CC creep and the now prominent micro CC madness. DF talents did not help either since one can cheese them to pick way more active abilities compared with the previous system.

I saw that skill-capped video, too. You almost had it verbatim.

I blame the developers, not the classes made by the developers.

I blame the classes as Blizzard developed them.

Beyond the skill-capped points, I’d also lay blame at the presence of stacking modifiers which makes it nigh impossible to balance PvP around. Perhaps even more of a fundamental issue than the CC/mobility creep factors.

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