If you don't like RDF, you can not use it. RDF will not be the retail/cata decline!

Its not optional though.

The teleport, extra emblems, luck of the draw buff, ability to bypass lockouts, exc. Make it to efficent to not use (even if you have a full group of 5 already) even if you dont like it. Remove all of those and just have it be an auto cross realm grouping for dungeons and i will support that because then it truely is optional.

If you donā€™t like games without RDF, you can not play games that donā€™t have RDF. Huh, funny how that works.

Heh, fair enough. My opinions may not necessarily be shared with other so-called anti RDFers.

I think RDF has a place for dated content (which would be 1-70ā€¦ arguably that can be extended to WotLK normals and perhaps heroics in a later WotLK phase).

There could also be compromises. What if LFG got extended to include x-realm servers? If it was, do you add that support for smaller servers only and/or dated content?

Clearly, there is a need for some improvement for older content.

Or, they could include rdf and let the customers decide if they want to use it. It was an orginal featureā€¦


It actually wasnā€™t an original feature of wotlk, it was added later in the expansion.

so whos alt are you? this farce of a statement has been disproven repeatedly by showing the article where the dev stated rdf was supposed to be in at the start of wrath except they had some technical issues they had to struggle to fix.


Pay no attention to him. Heā€™s arguably the dumbest person on the planet.


And Heroic Leap was supposed to be in WotLK too but they couldnā€™t get it to work so it was added later (in cata). So does that make Heroic Leap an original wotlk spell?

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No, the dumbest people are the ones who have been crying for RDF for months after Blizzard said the issue was settled before launch and there would be no RDF.

just like when Blizzard said, ā€œDonā€™t you guys have phonesā€ when the announced the new Diablo game and said it would NEVER be on pcā€¦ and yet, its now on PCā€¦



Find a way to attach microtransactions to RDF and you can guarantee itā€™s addition. Until then, thereā€™s a whole lot of people still paying to play this game while crying for RDF, showing Blizz that they will continue to fork over that money regardless.

you got meā€¦ id gladly pay a dollar to be able to actually enjoy wotlkā€¦ that would be money well spent! Assuming i get a refund of said dollar if the randoms that join are bad (haha - i had to put that in as a joke)ā€¦ haahhha

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They wonā€™t refund you, but theyā€™ll gladly charge you another dollar to initiate a vote kick.

Then there was the Wall of No and no flying again ever. When Blizzard says something thatā€™s it! Everyone knows that.


This is exactly what people said to those asking for Classic. It didnā€™t stop them from continuing to ask for it. Even when blizzard told them no, no, no over and over again many more times then they said no to rdf they kept asking for a re-release of the original game. Eventually no changed to yes. I donā€™t get why you think those asking for rdf will do anything different than those who asked for classic.


waitā€¦ what?! isnt that the single most best thing of dragonfllight!!! (I dont have the xpac yet) but everyone says Flying is the best thing everā€¦

Science is unbiased but your understanding of it can be. Hereā€™s the mistake youā€™re making. While itā€™s been shown that people will choose the path of least resistance even when itā€™s bad for them it has never been shown that the path of least resistance is always bad for you. In the vast majority of cases itā€™s the best path forward. With rdf the more convenient path is the better path.

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After WoD was released Blizzard said they were removing flying and it would not be added going forward. Five million people quit (over that and other things Iā€™m sure) and they came up with a ā€œcompromiseā€ with that stupid pathfinding.

Itā€™s crazy that they had flying in the game from TBC going forward, decided to remove it, and then made an xpac around flying. (Unless Iā€™m getting DF all wrong, never played it and donā€™t intend to.}

Hey guys hereā€™s your new xpac where you can fly! Really??

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It also doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad for the game.

A large part of the reason there was so much mage boosting is because people couldnā€™t find a level appropriate group to run a dungeons. People would like to play the game but not spend all their time looking for people to play the game with.


One reason I want rdf is so I can go out into the world to quest or farm while I wait for the dungeon to pop. I suppose some people sat in dalaran but I didnā€™t know anyone who just sat in dalaren while they waited in the rdf queue.