If you don't like RDF, you can not use it. RDF will not be the retail/cata decline!

Creating one thread about anything is not trolling; however, you see new threads about RDF several times a week. That is against the CoC.

RDF was a game-changing mechanic: Brian literally said thay they want to undo those changes from the game. All the addons that make your gaming easy, don’t change the game to the point RDF did; they only change your experience, not others. Comparing addons to RDF is apples to oranges, for they don’t change how you interact with others.

So no, the same can’t be said about other features.

In any case, the developers have said that they are happy with the current state of the game, so don’t expect RDF anytime soon, not even when ICC comes.

Originally the game kind of forced you to be social. You had to group up. You had to make friends. And Blizzard removed all that over the years. Starting really with the Dungeon Finder in Wrath.
WoW just became a lobby game where you queue up for things, join random strangers, do your thing, and move on. Never see or talk to them again. There’s literally no reason to communicate with anyone outside of Mythics. Other players might as well be bots. I don’t know how anyone calls WoW an mmorpg anymore. They’ve completely forsaken the mmo audience.
And it was sad to see that same warped audience infect Classic. Especially after TBC’s boost, which brought them in even bigger droves. They treat it like Retail. Just look at the forums. I guess that was inevitable. The community makes an mmo, and the community is nothing like it was back in the day. And it’s the devs’ fault for the direction they took this game. But it is what it is and it’s not going to change.

Courtesy of Zaalg, one of the resident pro RDF “I have the moral high ground” types.

Well, they only proved that they can’t be taken seriously. /e shrugs.

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The majority of players will take the laziest, most efficient way to do things. It doesn’t mean it’s good for the game.

Look at all the players that got mage boosted through Vanilla. Why? Because they were too lazy to play the game. Was mage boosting good for the game? Nope.

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There’s a difference between lazy and efficient.

Is RDF lazy because you get teleported in or is it efficient because you’re teleported in, removing that 20+ minutes of downtime of literally waiting or afking on a flight path to get to it in the first place.

Alternatively, people say nobody runs dungeons because they’re bad and inefficient questing is meta, so you have people just questing by themselves for 80 levels because it’s the most effecient way, a non-interactive single player RPG of questing to endgame. Because that’s healthy. :roll_eyes:


The point being, the majority of players will always do things that is the most efficient way even if they don’t enjoy it.

If RDF is introduced, of course players will flock to it. It’s efficient and players would use it because of that reason. Is it good for the game and the community? In my opinion, nope.

Of course, there are players who don’t care about that and want Classic to be a lobby game.


Bro it already is.

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just helps prove my point.

except that is exactly the definition of classic, a restoration of what was, not modified or “reforged”

i agree but theyve lost alot by not providing the original version of the game and instead giving us a classic/retail hybrid missing features some folks were looking forward too.

and yet, you didnt address my points of hypocrisy other than to reinforce them with your statement of

so thanks for that. the rest is just opinion unless you have proof of your statements to why they build classic in article form? im willing to read and accept verifiable proof.


Doing quests with a group in a dungeon is not the same as boosting. RDF removes too much downtime, is akin to spells like teleport/portal in the game.

Wrong. Most people will start the RDF and go questing while the RDF is searching a group. I played this way.


Same, I always did quests while queued. More effecient exp, exp while waiting, fun/exp in the dungeon. And when you’re done you get plopped right back to where you were, so you don’t have to spend an hour getting back to where you were questing.


Thought pro rdf was the minority the vast majority love the lfg? Again it is optional.

Unless, pro rdfers are the majority of the player base?


I think the majority is actually indifferent.

Sounds like the majority of the player base wants rdf, either due to they enjoy it or lack of willpower on thier part?


No we here heard what a " minority" we are daily sometimes multiple times. While it is also being said, anti- rdfers are the “vast majority”? So, there is a 3rd group that is the majority, now?


You can take that up with the people that said that. I never did.

Ahh, well no says anything to anyone that they in general agree with…even on the points that are wrong. They just let it roll, just 2 camps and everyone that post is the spokesman at that time. Hard to have civil conversations like that. lol.

That’s how the vast majority of players played. A combination of questing and dungeons. You get to actually play the game and do other things while queued.

But some people can’t even envision such a thing. They think everyone will be sitting afk in town because that’s what they would do.

By the way, there’s nothing about RDF that encourages players to do that any more so than what exists right now with this LFG tool. In fact the freedom of RDF would get many more players out and active in the world.


Creating a thread about rdf when there was already 20 rdf threads is spam though.

Do you have a direct link to this quote? I have a few spots i could use it.