If you don't fix Hunters for DF

No, I like when the other team has tons of other hunters. They’re easy kills and almost always a minimal effort win.

I think this is a git gud issue more than anything. Hunter is pretty much the easiest kill of all time right now in bgs without dedicated healers on them.

Aragorn def killed more orcs than gimli and legolas. The guy who got hit with another bow by an orc was the loser.

What do you want marksman hunters to shoot with? Spitwads?
Stop getting freecasted on and do something about the hunter.

Exactly. Xpoff was separated from xpon because twinks were too powerful, ruining the majority’s fun. Same logic should be applied to hunters. They should have their own bracket. Let them enjoy that 10 hunter v 10 hunter WSG.

10-59?! You just forget 60 was a thing?

60 is a crap shoot and shouldn’t take away from the fact that hunters ruin the other 59 levels.

Max level PVP in shadowlands doesn’t count because…it’s the worst max level experience ever created.

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True :slight_smile:
For Random BG content