What a load of waffles. So if my opinion of my gaming experience doesn’t match yours, then you’re right and I’m wrong.
Narcissism is definitely your strong point.
Huh. The way this was written, I was expecting the OP to be the typical Sunday Male Human Paladin.
Its just good ol Tupac on a brand new forum sock, with the same stale trolling.
Already did, unsubbed a couple weeks ago.
Please, Google the term “false dichotomy,” because you’re preachin’ one but don’t seem to know it.
This post nicely captures the EXACT problem with SL as a WoW expansion.
WoW’s success partly stems from its appeal across a wide range of player styles. The OP likes the style of player SL is designed for and if it isn;t you, then WoW’s not for you … and its unfortunate that the development team seems like they think likewise.
This is a the expo for organized raiders. If you are semi-casual pugger who wants to progress … I guess wow’s not for you.
If you don’t like over-tuned under-rewarding game play … IO guess wow’s not for you.
I hope the OP is wrong … and this start to SL just represents a temporary period where the game has lost its way … oethrwise, yes WoW won;t be for me or a lot of other peopel for very much longer.
You can already see how dead the game has become … the drop off in players in game is palpable and the worst I have seen since Cata, in my sphere at least.
obviously this games all about pvp and anyone who says otherwise is missing the point. thats why they havent added a battleground in 3 years
The Vault of Disappointment is what I call it.
Except… if it does indeed disappoint me, is it still disappointing? /hmm
I haven’t played since the start of BFA, and I’m starting to feel burned out in less than 3 weeks only managing one character. Pretty sure that’s not me.
Yes because complaints are bad and praise is good… positive reinforcement then OP, you’d fit right now with the Blizz crew.
ok bye i quit. The game is trash
it’s probably a little bit of both. people being burnt out, and blaming the xpac, and real issues. I don’t like the current scaling issue, so that’s a real thing. You can say it’s dramatic to whine over that but everybody is playing this game differently. I’m also burnt out though. I’ll probably come back in the next major patch.
And it’s ok not to like things.
Just stop coming in here just to yuck on our yum.
I cancelled my sub. Won’t say i’ll be gone forever, but I will be cutting blizz out of my wallet revenue for the forseeable future.
I now favor games that yield immediate fun, rather than grind-a-thons to rank higher than others. I prefer to pick up and play, then put down and do something else for a while.
WoW wanting to be the only game or thing I do is no longer compelling to me.
Blizzard sends you here for feedback when you cancel your sub. Complain to them.
Also, can we start a petition to ban the vomit worthy phrase “yuck our yum”?
I’ll show myself out! This expansion feels like nothing but insipid garbage chores. Unsubbed. All that will be left in another’s months time will be diehard Bliz fanboys. So any dissenting against the current state of the game will be quickly suppressed by the remaining loyal community. members.
All those who would be sympathetic to complaints about Shadowlands will be long gone.
Whatever. If you happen to like doing these boring pointless chores, Anima, stygia, soul ash, Campaign, renowned, legendary, low drop rates on loot, boring WQ, Torghast, the AWFUL Maw…ect…I have too many complaints to even begin to feel like listing them all here…
I can’t understand exactly why the hell anyone could find this fun? but enjoy.
This^^^^^ 1000 times over.
Thank you OP. My sub is out in 2 weeks, have basically already stopped.
I will leave, dont want to, but this game is not for me anymore.
Feels like a breakup…its sucks but I know it is for the best.
Hope those of you this expansion caters to have a good time
Honestly I’ve been debating it. Have played in 5 days, but that’s mainly due to work. I think when the good ps5 games start coming out I’ll probably just stop playing WoW. I could also start playing my vast amount of 400+ games I have for steam.
Already unsubscribe. FF is way better