Niia, no one is forcing you to post here. Why are you here? If you don’t like the game leave the game and forums. I don’t understand if you don’t enjoy a game why you still spend time and energy on it.
My stance is all expansions are the same and there’s stuff you like and don’t like in each.
But, my stance != everyone else’s opinion
People do voice specific issues they have with the game. They’re allowed and even encouraged to do this
Being bored is a legitimate issue, which could indicate the content is not interesting or engaging to a lot of people, and in need of improvement
Just just gloss over it all as “you’re being bored so GTFO” is pretty ignorant and a quick way to make your audience (and income) shrink
Blizzard knows this, which is why they don’t take your stance and tell people to “gtfo if you don’t like our product”
It’s why they ask people questions when they unsub.
Just because someone doesn’t like something about a game doesn’t mean that 100% of the game is bad to them.
Shadowlands isn’t World of Warcraft, it is a part of World of Warcraft.
Grindfest? SL is a grindfest? There has been some aspect of grinding since vanilla. Thus the game has not changed, so why surprised? Why disappointed? What’s so grindy? What is forcing you to grind?
SL is vastly better than WoD, but time will prove who is correct.
Either it’s grindfest or timegated, which? Both complaints have been expressed.
This is the kinda stuff I mean.
Pretty much leveled from 50 to 60 and says SL is quality content XD I’m hollering hahahah
Answer my question: are you enjoying SL overall?
Time will not, because that is an opinion. I much prefer WoD over SL <3
I got your back WoD…a bit
I did answer your question
I was never a fan of the ‘if you don’t like it, leave’ mentality. In my opinion, a player who enjoys a game but finds something to their disliking or (to them) wrong with the game, it’s totally fine for them to point that out.
I think this post was a bit of a troll attempt, if I’m being honest.
It’s akin to patriotism. Being a patriot isn’t blindly loving your country, never pointing out what might be wrong with it. Being a patriot is loving your country and wanting it to be the best it can be.
Played 15 years and 8 expansions, I know when an expansion is good. SL is good. Are you not overall enjoying the game?
I just don’t do the content I don’t like, and try to convince everyone else to do the same
Boycott the maw!
Unfortunately, a lot of content players want to partake in content requires them to possibly partake in content they do not like.
Are you overall enjoying SL despite it and every expansion not being perfect? BfA and WoD were hard to enjoy overall. I think SL is solid. Don’t you?
I’m enjoying it. My guild is enjoying it (aside from the mainly Classic players). I think it’s very good - but that’s subjective. Let me make this point, however. Something being subjective does not mean it carries no wait. When the majority of a player-base thinks an expansion is ‘good’ or ‘great,’ that does say something about that expansion.
The problem is WoW, not us. We grew up with WoW being a certain way, then they pull a uno reverse card and make things very hard to do like get loot and clear instances, break scaling ect.
Why do you have to do the Maw? Can’t you ignore it and still raid pvp and Mplus?
It’s both.
Torghast I was VERY excited for because for me I thought Blizzard was attempting to put a much loved feature from Dark Age of Camelot into their game.
Darkness Falls instance allowed you to take on multiple different mobs, you were able to grind for Seals/currency to buy much coveted superior gear and the mobs changed along with who could go into the instance.
Having read the myriad of complaints about Torghast/Maw. Lack of decent obtainable gear and lack of anima that you need.
I play maybe an hour a day sometimes I don’t play for days because I’m so disillusioned right now. Shadowlands had the making’s of what looked like a decent expansion.
But please keep driving players out of the game, maybe if enough leave Activision will finally shake up the current development team. I’m sure the guys that get pink slips will be very thankful for your help.
Shadow Labs was a pain in the *** back in the day, so opinions differ.
I don’t like M+ and I quit raiding because I don’t want to have stuff to do outside of raid in order to raid. Which is another reason I liked WoD, all I did was login on Tuesday clear the raid and then the rest of the week I could do what I wanted