Yeah, this really struck me when I finally saw Torgast. Right down to smashing urns.
And I initially liked the look of Torgast. That is, until I realized that it never changed. It’s just copy paste rooms with a trap in a different location.
Everyone can have their opinion, you have your’s, I have mine, which is, there are some things they might have done right, but there are some things they really screwed up. The scaling issue of old raids, loot issues are just 2 of the most common and I happen to agree with them.
Just because the expansion has problems doesn’t mean I should quit, I as a customer will continue to give feedback as many others are, and if you don’t agree that’s fine. But don’t tell people what they should think or do.
Exactly what i was thinking also.
He did…
I’ve done 3 LFR bosses, raiding is so good everyone who complains are wrong. Kek.
I will keep this noted a couple months from now and be back.
Although the OP’s post is at best nonsense and factually barren, there’s no reason why this should be flagged.
Or they could just ban the bots…Players shouldn’t be punished because of cheaters.
I wouldn’t call it a good reason, just a lazy one.
He didn’t in the OP, and i yet to see one in there, but fair enough.
Honestly, i think what you have posted here as an example of what good thing he said about SL, that’s more of a general sense sort of thing if applied to other expansions. Just switch the numbers and classes around and it will fit right in. Heck, Mplus isn’t even SL specific.
But, i will concede that and go along with that his good points of SL is how he enjoyed leveling and mplus so far in SL.
Thanks for the advice, just un-subbed this morning!
So other players subs don’t matter? Just yours? Interesting.
You described it perfectly. I am letting my sub go off this month. Don’t get me wrong I had a lot of fun with this xpac. But a lot of the things you said, is what started to really take its toll. The storyline gating and the loot drought is real. Logging in one day to raid and getting absolutely nothing but repair bills and less consumables was the last straw. I really like the campaign but having to do a lot of m+ to get good results in vault is just too much. Lots of people just leave if they can’t time the key.
I was thinking isn’t it insulting to trick consumers into a product with a cost that is subpar, equivalent to the quality produced?
Let me believe !
Raiding and not get anything!
The great vault. You clear a raid, you get three choices of loot. That’s not nothing.
Should they add badges and a badge vendor for a few pieces like in BC, maybe.
Play an alt, or two. You can only have fun with one class and spec? Sounds like a you problem not WoW.
So you are not enjoying SL?
Timegating is what ruins the game experience? You want to endlessly grind maw of souls for artifact power?
The maw is annoying? You don’t have to farm it. Go as a small group, not solo. Or don’t do it at all.
Torghast isn’t fun and 100x better than Warfronts or islands?
Then this is a you problem, find another game.
You can’t tell SL fixed many problems of BfA?
PvP vendors and upgrades aren’t a world better. Mythic plus not raining loot isn’t better for the game?
The great vault is not a huge improvement?
Delete it quick! It’s not too late, no one has seen it yet
WoD was the time.
There are more or less the same problems. Borrowed power still exists with dumb grinds.
There is no separate stat like resilience, this means the very moment that loot drops increase for M+ and raiding, PvPing for gear is rendered worthless.
Not really. It seems more or less the same as the weekly chests with the same RNG.
I will give SL a 10/10 though for making Demon Hunters basically useless and also once again bringing me to stitches with how funny the lore is.