The problem is that Blizzard promises one thing and delivers another. The problem is time gating content while simultaneously putting a price on things that you can’t fully farm until they let you spend it via currency caps.
Just remove currency caps, remove time gating, and let people move on with their lives. When something is subscription based, it promotes these things.
EXAMPLE 1: Give me one good reason why honor gear couldn’t be upgraded fully from day 1.
EXAMPLE 2: Give me one good reason that honor is capped at 15000.
Shadowlands is BFA 2.0. They’re practically the same game. The only thing that’s different is torghast and the setting of the expansion. Other than that all the same crappy design philosophies are still being utilized.
Players like you though, generally have no idea what they’re talking about and play at the lowest level of the game. You’d be pleased by anything.
Time gating honor gear upgrades allows other means of gear acquisition to be viable. We don’t want another mythic plus raining loot which all other forms of gear acquisition moot.
A cap on honor helps limit the temptation to use bots that just farm 10000000000 honor for you, then you log in 1-2 weeks later and buy and upgrade all your gear to 200.
Sounds like you just don’t like WoW anymore. You are not having fun, which I think is unreasonable since there is so much right with SL compare to BfA. Stop torturing yourself and try another game.
BOOOOO!!! I cleared wing 4 in the fiery place with no deaths as a sin rogue at ilvl 176. I dont expect much, but i expect a) the acknowledgement that my spec sucks. a.2) why on earth am i playing that spec if it sucks and i have 2 at least mid level specs i COULD play as an alternative. b) I did really well considering there are actual gear check elements in place and my spec sucks. And c) a pat on my damn head even if incredibly patronising for grinding my way through layer 4 in a dumb spec in dumb gear! If i was ambitious, i think layer 5 and 6 are well within reach. Because im super cute at this game!
There is so much right in SL, so much to enjoy, that after 15 years of playing the game, if you are not having fun overall in SL, WoW is not for you anymore.
Who am I trying to bait??? Someone who scans the forums searching for ways to complain about SL? But if you are currently a WoW hater, then yup, time to leave.
While it is fine to have praise and criticism of the game. Often both at once. As such, there is a fine line of blatant fanbase arrogance and trolling.
This thread sits somewhere in between. Reading a large portion of the OPs responses, yeah. They either wish for stagnation and continue with their mediocrity and slow decline, or troll. Both of which share the same bathing space.
So much good, that you can’t even list one thing you like about the game.
I know, it’s so much better, it has those things you never listed about SL that you talk so much about. /s
Yes, person who might ask me that question, i will list the things i do like in SL.
Revendreth zone. (Really all the other zones are just okay, this is the only standout zone for me)
The treasures requiring actual thought to get them then just going to the map and clicking on it on the ground.
Actual animated ingame cutscene in Maw. (You know the one)
Torghast was pretty fun.
I like the old spells they have returned, slice and dice forever baby!
The leveling has less dead spaces between getting new abilities and such, so it’s a near constant dripfeed of abilities. (Still kinda sucks that there is still no new spells or talents)
Character customizations, i welcome that with open arms.
And ehh, i kind of like the command table so far. Reminds me of Assassin’s Creed 4’s Black Flag’s miniship battles on the mission table. Seriously, what is up with Blizzard taking mission tables from the Good Assassin’s Creed games? Did you and Ubisoft had hanged out one day or something?
“Forget your criticisms of the game, you either 100% love it and shut up, or you 100% hate it, quit and shut up.”
Pbhtt… … Of coarse! secret agents!
You caught me, i’m a secret agent of the Skyrim, sneaking and entering into WoW just to play it and praise if there is something done right and criticize if there is something i’ve done wrong. I thought that is a normal thing to do, but apparently everybody is a secret agent working for another game.
Kettle, Pot, mumble, mumble.
I know, it has all those things you didn’t list. Nothing but positives.
Well nobody is asking for them to be perfect, they just want a good game.
Personally speaking, Shadowlands is better then BFA, but it’s only back on the level of Legion here where it’s just okay.
I think the problem the people have with your thread here is about how your going about your opinion here by using positivity bias to shut down any criticism and essentially labeling or calling or implying people as haters if they didn’t like the game you liked.