If you don’t have 2/4 piece by Tuesday

I just don’t get why they’d call and label these pieces as [tier] if this was the case.

Just have the items turn into the gear that is in the raid now which matches the transmog set.

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Alright, then go for it. Its not how it has worked in the past and only items that have the tier set bonus on them contributed to the tier set bonus.

There are tier looks, but when it comes to set bonus thats only on 5 of the items and has been that way since basically TBC.

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Because it’s adding to the “set”. The set being “tier” does not mean the new items are tier, just that they’re added to the set.

Adding nuts and bolts to their corresponding groups doesn’t suddenly make every nut a 10mm

I think some of this is also tied to stats, like the stats from raid items might not be the “best” (neither are the stats on the converted pieces in some cases).

There is also the idea that if it is named similar to tier, people will realize “oh, this is the look that goes with my tier look”. Tier being named similar to represent bonuses is a fair argument, but so is naming pieces similarly due to what items go with what set.

These exist on current raid items.

Any not craft gear into those items rather than these new items? Honestly, if the new items didn’t have any reference/ link to tier gear, I don’t think there would be any issue.

You’d still get the transmog. You’d still get the same stats.

Using common sense gives the same results

This is exactly why it’s confusing.

Regardless of how you interpret how bonuses work - there’s a mix of understandings of what tier and a “set” is.

Some people think that the new pieces added are not tier - even though they’re called tier in the blue post and even though they’re explicitly named in accordance with the tier set.

Some think the new pieces are tier, but for the first time ever, these tier pieces won’t count towards the bonus.

Some think these new pieces are tier, but will count towards the bonus, but won’t activate the bonus; the way the most recent system functioned.

Some people even think that all raid gear is tier regardless of how its called or whether or not it connects to a system.

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How many primary colors are there?
Are those part of a rainbow?
Is everyone color in a rainbow a primary color?
But it’s part of the rainbow nonetheless?

Okay good.

We’re not talking about colors that have only ever worked one way.

We’re talking about a gear power system that has changed multiple times and apparently has terms that have been defined differently for different people.

It hasn’t changed, sanctum of domination wasn’t tier.
Blue posts have described 100% what is and what is not a tier bonus piece.

Anyone claiming ignorance at this point or understanding has no one to blame but themselves.

They cannot make it any more clear: There are only 5 pieces of gear that will count towards the tier bonuses. Try to spin it however you want, it’s been laid out bare for all to see.

I think this will be the first time a tier piece isn’t linked to a bonus. This is a change from how tier sets have ever worked.

Tier sets first came in 8 piece sets. Then changed to 5.

Early on they were spec specific. Then changed to account for spec swapping.

9.2 could introduce another change where certain tier pieces aren’t connected to the bonus power system.

You might not have played WoW over the years - but tier has changed multiple times.

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This stuff isnt confusing if you played at all prior to BFA.

No, it hasnt changed at all. Ever since TBC, this hasnt changed.

When they call these new pieces tier and they name them the same as existing tier and we just came off a system where there’s this weird mix and match system - it makes sense that there wood be confusion and this thread is evidence of the confusion.

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What in the world are you talking about?

I listed above various changes. If you had played through those expansions, you’d know.

And they all counted towards bonuses

Pieces were still outlined to give bonuses.

So every other piece of gear outside of tier? This would be entirely pointless. It’s not tier if it doesn’t give bonuses.

No, it’s been the same. It’s all been outlined as to what gives tier. Just as it is now with the 5 pieces.

No, blue literally took away all and any confusion when they said “these are the only pieces that give bonus”

No confusion.

Um… no it hasnt changed at all.

For you to get the set bonus, you need to get 4 of the 5 items that gave the set bonus since TBC.


Those have always given you the tier set bonus.

There are items to complete the look and those dont have the tier bonus on them.

I dont know what you are confused about but this isnt hard stuff.