If you do not role play, why do you opt to join a role play server?

Yeah, everybody is great :smiley:

The only thing really holding me back from going to that server isā€¦ Iā€™mā€¦ never going to be a Alliance player again. Iā€™m Horde. Will be Horde. Always will be Horde. (unless they open Scourge to play)

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Iā€™m faction-agnostic.

I make the character I want, and most times the game picks the faction for me.

My old main was Undead, so I had to be Horde. My new main is Draenei, so I have to be Alliance.

I always think of my characters as those faction neutral fellows on the Class Halls that get along with everybody though lol


Itā€™s empty and doesnā€™t phase with other types of servers ever so I can camp rares in peace.

Iā€™ll throw this out here: I donā€™t always roleplay, even when I am in Valdrakken I am not necessarily up for it, and when Iā€™m in trade/general I generally am either OoC offering answers to folks or arranging trade. I also know people who only really roleplay with friends, I imagine that many people fall into either of those categories moreso than being against roleplaying.

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Because it is full. All the time. Sometimes my BF and I just hang out in town and people watch. Enjoy all the great transmogs and mounts.

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General rule of thumb is rp servers are nicer. Kinda moot these days imo, a lot of things have normalized, but this is still part of it.

Then, RP realms dont do auto-CRZ in old zones. This is huge for rare/pet hunting as well as just people who dont want to see off-realm players (though that sentiment is less common these days).

Andā€¦ immersion. You dont have to be a roleplayer to appreciate that. Specific naming rules + the actual roleplayers doing their thing in town makes things feel more ā€œrealā€.

For me at this point its probably #1 + #3. I did some on and off casual RP when I was younger too so I like having the option of jumping back into it, but I havent since WoD so I dont expect I will anymore.

i like rp realms because even if iā€™m not engaging in it directly, i like being around it. seeing folks RP, seeing their names, etc. Though, I do miss RP from time to time. Currently on an RP realm that used to be an RPPVP like my original server, VeCo.

Same reason i liked RPPVP servers for the PVP, just for the excitement even though im not really a huge fan of PVP

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Role players pay more for cosmetics by a lot compared to any other server.

I was on WrA from Cata to the end of Shadowlands, on Stormrage now.

I can honestly say the only difference Iā€™ve seen in community is that people have better names on RP servers.

For the potential of RP. I also make really pretty TRP profiles and I want people to see them.

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RPPVP, to gank RP scenes and create content for people.

As a Moon Guardian, this is 100% false.

I have tried, MANY times over the years, to get a Time Lost Proto-Drake, and TO THIS DAY there are people camping the stupid thing, and/or sharding (yes, sharding does happen) makes it impossible to keep track of kills/spawns.

The only rp I do is trying to look cool and slow walk.

I mainly play on moon guard because itā€™s so active with people actually talking.

I put a character on Thorium Brotherhood, and quite often ran into the issue that the zone wasnā€™t even loaded because nobody was in it most weeks. Itā€™s 100% true youā€™re just on one of the 4 rp servers that actually has people on it.

I love to role play . Although i have never played on a RP sever . Mostly on a pve server . I did at one time was on a pvp server , than i got kicked of a guild for doing pvp instead of doing dungeons and raids .

Itā€™s kind of funny how i get yelled at by a pve community for doing pvp on a Pve sever , than get yell at again by a guild for not doing pve on a pvp server . I can not win no matter what i do .

I am MG and WrA mostly as they are mega servers which at this point, in the current iteration of world content past few expansions, is almost required to get tasks completed in that few week window at the release of a new patch.

Why RP mega servers? They tend to be more vibrant but chill. And tho I donā€™t transmog end game, seeing what players come up with creatively is cool to see.