If you do not role play, why do you opt to join a role play server?

Just a curious question. I play on Moon Guard and have characters on less used realms such as Blackwater Raiders and my first old, old abandoned home, Maelstrom. I would like to have a character or two on Wyrmrest Accord for the Horde community but…seems like everyone just stands in Orgrimmar and stares at each other.

I have no issue with anyone or guilds that are for PvP or raiding. What is the reason for coming to Moon Guard if you don’t like role play or want to partake in it? I’m sure the realm has decent guilds, but people that take raiding and PvP seriously and don’t role play always have me wondering why they chose Moon Guard. My only guess would be the community. Huge realm and trade chat is full of yappers. But there are big realms that don’t role play for that. That’s all I can think of, really. Just genuinely wondering.

I know back in the day, I absolutely refused to join a PvP server because I did not want to engage in PvP unwillingly. Of course, at the time, I was very young but being ambushed while I’m minding my business used to really spook me. If I went to Proudmoore looking for a role play server, that would be kind of silly since the purpose of the realm really isn’t for that. Is it the community? It certainly isn’t the economy, is it? I know for transmogs, a role play realm is the last place you want to scour for deals.

Just thought I’d ask.

Side note…what is a good, friendly realm for raiding, organized PvP and socializing? I haven’t touched raiding and PvP since WoD and would like to get into that, so having a character on a normal realm is something I’m considering trying. I have a few characters on Hyjal from Legion but things seemed to have died down a lot since then.

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much nicer and welcoming community. good vibes.


Used to be rares were up a lot more

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I don’t do much open world roleplay myself, as my roleplay is mostly playing through my character’s own stories. However, I like to occasionally attend events on RP servers, particularly on holidays as an observer. For that reason I have a couple characters on RP servers.


I main on Crusader strike…next to no one role plays there. I like the name and everyone there is super friendly. Some random person gave me 20g and then they went around saying they were going to give people free carries in stuff. Idk. Nicer people I guess.

It was a dwarf btw. I hardly ever meet a mean dwarf who plays the game.

I RP my toons though. But have the stories all set up for all of them apart from this one. I have a rogue in Cata that is max level. This one likely may never level as it is not a part of the story. All my toons across every version that I main all have the exact same name and same look.


Because people are nice. Because people like seeing RP. Because people have friends there. Because every server has guilds that raid or PvP or M+ or do things the person there enjoys. Because it’s a full server and some like that. Because the main cities are busy and some people like that. Because the auction house has the economy they like.

I could go on. There are many reasons.


Very true!

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Players will actually interact with you in the wild


I agree. I started out non-rp, but then made some toons on Ravenholdt back around TBC. It was fun to partake in a bit of RP.

During BFA, i switched to Emerald Dream and joined a great guild. Guild basically fell apart during SL, because 3/4 wanted to mythic raid and we weren’t cutting it, so they switched to illidan horde, since there is such a myth that only horde raids. The Role players mainly went three directions. I just went solo after that. While i like to role play, ot is only minimal, like 5 minutes here or there once in a while.

I still enjoy being on RP realms, and have 3 70s on moonguard in a great guild, but i don’t play that much and alts keep me spread thin.

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I made a character on an RP server once, buncha people yelled at me and threatened me

Good times

I initially moved cause a friend was there.

I later stayed because, honestly, it’s very nice when walking around hubs you don’t see questionable names/guild names everywhere.

I like that it feels populated but also the world isn’t over crowded. Most people I’ve interacted with have always been very nice as well.


Malgorok…what did you do…

Friends and I went AFK in stormwind for a bit while leveling some alts on our super cool kor’kron wolves during MOP and came back to like multiple people yelling at us and whisper threats

I never went on an RP server again, they’re evil

Was it during WoD? I know Moon Guard Horde side had some pretty crazy rp going on then.

RP servers are way more chill than most non RP servers.


I am an avid RPer who has been playing on RP servers since way back in vanilla at launch. My very first character made on November 23rd, 2004 was on Silver Hand. From there, I went to Moon Guard during the early stages of WotLK.

As someone who RPs, I can tell you that the people on Moon Guard are much more eager to communicate and be social than players on other servers.

There are also stricter rules on things like naming and behavior on RP servers, which helps the overall feeling of immersion. Whether you RP or not, some people want to take part in an immersive fantasy world. RP servers have some of the most avid transmog hunters you’ll ever find.

Overall, I think it’s just a vibe check. You don’t really roll on an RP server unless you want to have a more authentic experience with the world and the people in it.

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A fellow Moon Guardian. Hello there! But yes, that is so true. Great vibes and it always feels so populated and people actually communicate to boot. Gotta’ love it.

I don’t have time for RP, but my guild have RP events. This month have beach bash event on a tiny island south from gold dungeon in Zuldazar, [the name escaped me at the moment] and campfire event. I’ll try to made it in time, and it’s cool to see different events each month.

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You tell me who they are and I’ll emote them to death for you.

So true, I knew I would catch some slack for role playing an orc that leaned towards Garrosh authority, but boy were some people nasty. In character, sure. I don’t mind. Let’s scrap. Immerse me. But to whisper someone and call them derogatory terms and actual terrible titles over fictional tension is insane to me.

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I don’t mainly play on an RP realm but I have several level 70 alts on Moon Guard. I sometimes like having people roleplay in my general vicinity because it makes the game world feel slightly more alive but I don’t participate personally. I think the only way I’d ever get into RP is with like ChatGPT/Claude/Gemini or something. I also think RP realms are at least marginally more LGBT-friendly than average. RP realms also have a separate war mode shard or instance or whatever and having access to that can be nice sometimes, particularly since it’s usually depopulated

Also the luck I’ve had getting my first choice names on Moon Guard has been incredible. I have a druid named “Treant” there for example (I don’t remember how long ago I made it but it was either in Shadowlands or maybe BfA or the end of Legion, but no further back than that).

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