If you do not role play, why do you opt to join a role play server?

Transmogs have better sell rate on RP servers. That’s why I have alts on RP servers.

mg has a community vibe that regular servers just dont have

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true if people dont role play they shouldnt be in role playing realms likewise roleplayers and their tos and fan-canon has no place outside RP servers ingame.

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High population server = more opportunity to find proper groups for the content i choose to pursue

I thought rp servers they limit sharding for world pvp?

role play servers also have a differnt tos and dont follow the official canon they follow the existing RP servers fan-canon.

what? cannons?

And the tos was the exact same when i created a new character.

This is a likely good guess. Coupled with, as much as people might not wanna believe it, some RP’ers are also incredibly good at the game. I know for me, the only reason I even push duelist or 2400 in arena (on the rare occasion) is so I can go use it in RP. So they might be looking for other well skilled players.


Because it’s hard to RP when you are tanking the ground.


i have more mor RP’ers who are complete jerks than i have met nice ones.

A friend got me transferring off a dead server to their server. Now I’m on Wyrmrest. Just how it happened and I’m in a good guild.

I’m terrible at RP so I stopped trying.

Anecdotal Evidence isn’t evidence.

Which is fine as long as people don’t interfere with other people RPing. A lot of times I will just sit back and watch a story unfold.

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I roleplayed when I joined Wyrmrest Accord. I have stayed since even though everyone on my friends list is gone. Just home now.

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When I first started playing WoW long ago during Vanilla, I went from alt to alt to alt because I couldn’t find anything I liked, because most of the Vanilla classes stunk.

I couldn’t really “settle” on anything, until a good friend of mine invited me to come play with her. She was on Moon Guard and she was into RP.

So I rolled a character on Moon Guard and with her to encourage me on, I finally arrived at level 60 a few weeks after Burning Crusade was released and eventually, Level 70 about the time Black Temple came out.

By this time I had also made a few alts for crafting purposes, and started to build up my crafters, etc. Eventually, my friend and I would stop playing WoW together, but this was near the end of Wrath and into early Cataclysm and by then I had a full roster of characters, probably at least 6-8 characters at the time.

I was never really into RP, but with all of my Alliance characters (Wrath was the time I started my Horde characters too) on Moon Guard, I saw no reason to move then.

It was also during Wrath I got a family member into WoW, and we both made a guild for the guild bank to make things easier to do between characters.

It was simply too expensive to move characters enmasse and even with the guild move thing that they offer now, it’s still too expensive, so Moon Guard remains my characters’ home.

EDIT: I get asked that a lot too… “if you don’t roleplay WTF are you doing on Moon Guard” … the simple truth of it is, I followed a friend and moving characters is way too flippin expensive. I can’t say I like it on Moon Guard, though since I rarely ever have to be near Goldshire anymore, and with all the CRZ stuff going on… it seems like any other server to me to be honest so it hasn’t been as bad lately?

who says i don’t want to roleplay?

I wanna fully immerse myself in the fantasy but then that social anxiety sets in.

Ah so you were around for guilds like Wrath of the Righteous and the Varsinax dramas

Being an introvert and a recluse, I have no idea what those are as I did not, and still do not, engage with the rest of the community.

I log on, do whatever I want to do, Q for whatever I want, and log off. The rest of the community can do whatever the frick they want, it doesn’t concern me. Outside of my brief stint in some newbie raiding guild nobody heard of at the end of TBC and partway into Wrath, I never interacted with other people other than the aforementioned friend.

EDIT: To be honest the only thing I really know about the community of Moon Guard is the whole group of degenerates plaguing Goldshire, and anytime one mentioned WoW outside of WoW or its o-boards that’s usually one of the first things that gets brought up (not by me). So I wound up not wanting to talk about WoW, lol.

Maybe theyre just bad at role playing?

Because when I came back to WoW I wanted a fresh start, so I decided to play in a different realm, and my friend told me to play in this realm, which happened to be a RP realm.

Well that seems like a good guild to be in. I know a few members :smiley:

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