If you do not like the WOTLK features

If you do not like the features of WOYLK like RDF and BG giving XP then you can stay in TBC


LoL okay then.

I keep telling people if they don’t like something in wrath they can stay in outland.

“Are dk’s out yet in classic?”
-DKs will never be out in classic. They’re added with wrath.

Are dk’s out yet in classic?


Yes, they launched last Week.


Cool thanks

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WotLK good.
Something something bad.

Yep. All these crybabies whining about LFD or dual spec or whatever have zero ground to stand on. Wrath had all these things. Don’t like it? Stay on TBC/Classic Era.

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They say…well that is when the curve started to go down.

whether that was cata or not though… ah there is the research project that needs to go back to found out why people left.

I personally don’t see the LFD smoking gun. it was its lacking that had me a tourist on my first go of tbcc. I was there first weeks. I was there going dman I can’t catch a dungeon worth a damn.

Still like that. Its just wrath with an lfd potential has me go I will level this time. I can kill a few extra hundred mobs. well more than a few. I got time lol.

well that and retail lost its lustre.

Such a dumb argument. I like wotlk features, but even I know that what you’re saying is nonsense. It’s the age old if you don’t like it leave argument. Here is the thing. If you truly care about something, you’d want to see it improved upon for any number of reasons.

i assure you, i will stay in TBC.

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Or just have a guild and dont use the feature at all

Gonna be sad to see TBC deder than ded.

Exactly nobody is complaining about any of that.

Looked at the OP’s post history for 5 seconds.

Wants boosts.
Wants connected realms.

Neither were Wrath features, OP. If you want Retail features, then you can play Retail.

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WoTLK Sans Death Knights.

These prog servers need changes tbh.

We aren’t the same as we were back in actual wotlk.

Boosts will be in because these are prog servers.

Connected realms would be a good change.

If you don’t like long BG queues or horde seal of blood in TBC, you can stay in Classic.

I will be.

(Actually I’ll unsub after the Wrath Prepatch…but same thing.)