If you dislike the pvp/ranking 'mafia'

Agreed, horde players had to do everything solo and were competing with bots who would get more honor than someone with say a job. It was pretty bad.

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Hyperbole detected I didn’t steal anyone’s time by continuing to que as I please when the honor meta switched from av. Suddenly people decided to start spy on and harass me but you advocate this toxic behavior. How am I the malicious one for minding my business?

It was either play with people who were never inclined to play with me from p2 until av premade nerf, or pretend that I’m compliant until the faithful day comes when everyone realized I never gave af. I chose the latter, I’m playing a game and refuse to be policed by a group of random man children who’s OCD radar detected me.

Well that is the repercussions of rolling a stacked faction not sure what that has to do with the premade mafias


So why TF are you ranking lol

Your right I wouldn’t rank if there were no bracket organization and ranking ment grinding every hour of the day for 4+ months.


This is a good example of how the bracket community is terrible. Guy is making excuses for the community harassing people and trying to make them quit the game. They couldn’t even just say that was a part of the community they didn’t agree with. Pathetic.


Because ranking is the byproduct of pvping? Is this a real question?
I didn’t know anything about the pvp rewards in p2 this is my first time playing classic. I got to r7 from wpvp and r10 from wsg solo queing to exalted because I wanted the purple tabard and ally premades were nonexistent.

By the time I got r10 the av premade meta switched and the wsg premaders would spam me to join their group as soon as I logged on. Then these dudes started complaining about how I don’t sapper enough while I’m dead broke from helping them grind. Helped a couple guys get their grand marshal and they vanished like a rogue with full cds. I wanted to stop at 11 to get the mount because I didn’t enjoy premading but I was encouraged to push 12.

Fast forward ab released but I didn’t like the premades because I would just get anchored at ST/LM and either die 1v10 to a zerg or just sit the whole game uncontested. So I chose to get to 12 solo que and this upset alot of people.

^^^^^ Exactly


Sorry about this happening. In my post I wasn’t actually speaking about people like you but I didn’t explain it well because I didn’t want to make the reply even longer. The AV premade days for alliance had people capping at 3 days in the good premades and people were going above brackets by just playing the game normally. You didn’t deserve to be harassed for that.

I had a friend who was going over the bracket cap during Christmas week and was talked to by my servers bracket people. He said they were very reasonable and he understood what they were saying completely and he stopped at the cap. Obviously every server is different.


I didn’t say that I didn’t agree with that part of the community because I have no problem with keeping jerks accountable for their actions.

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All g just honest debate no bad blood

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Right but what would their response have been if he told them he was going to play how he wanted and they couldn’t dictate his play style?

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Fixed it for you. Even rank 10 is a legit grind that requires a lot of dedicated play week in and week out for at least a month. I believe longer (I haven’t done the math on my server). Personally, I think the brackets are among the smartest things people are doing. Classic pvp isn’t about competition. Arenas introduce real competition in TBC.

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They would just outgrind him and he and other stupid people would never get even close to any bracket.
What you ppl don’t understand bracket mafia makes this grind accessible to more casual ppl, like you, on the server. What you don’t get bracket mafia can grind pretty much any amount of honor, what they usually do, when stupid bracket bracket shows up.
Oh, last but not least. Wow classic is a social game, and if bracket mafia has better social connections, good luck to bracket bracket having any good experience going forward on that server.


And that’s fine, that’s how the honor system works. Expecting other people to adjust their playstyle based your arbitrary rules is however very unreasonable.


No one expects that. Ppl are offered to be part of the system. If they refuse, they are getting booted, from the system and from the server.
Fair game, since you made your choice.

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Social aspect is as much important in ranking.

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What are you talking about, you can’t be booted from the server. You might get ostracized by one group of players but that is hardly the same as being booted from the server.

Tomato tomatoes

So you advocate for people to harass others if they happen to be getting more honor than them?

Not really, a handful of rankers hardly constitute a server and unless you are on a super small server you’ll have no problem getting along just fine if they decide they don’t like you.


You’re kind of assuming that rankers have no friends or communities that support them here, which is like way way off. The rankers are usually very well tied into the community. Especially on smaller servers.


That is the exact nature of competition, and how the rank system was designed. Also exactly why it was later removed. Such a competitive system doesn’t fit well with an MMO based on community.

In other competitions, you don’t all conspire to set artificial limits to make it easier for everyone. That would get you thrown out.

The players aren’t jerks for playing the game how it was originally designed. It’s just a bad system that shouldn’t have ever existed. They should have just given us the honor as currency system from the end of Vanilla and time locked rewards to appropriate phases.