Or they do care about all the other players who are negatively affected by your BS.
I know you aren’t arguing in good faith but – what other players? The ones who rank up more easily to 8 or 10 and don’t even notice the brackets? Those ones?
No one is negatively effected by honor stacking. Unless you’re some trashcan grub trying to game the fact that people set lower caps so they don’t have to play 24hours a day.
You fail to realize that almost everyone in the top 3 bracket slots can and will grind you out of the system but a lot of the time it’s just easier to blacklist you so you’re stuck with pug honor.
100% of the people who thinking Bracket Stacking is bad are those who abused it for their own personal advantage and are facing the consequences of their actions…or never engaged with it AT ALL and some how think mere the idea of trying to get people to work together to streamline the gearing process while lowering play-time is selfish.
Harassment is bad. People harassing should be perma-banned. However, inspecting you is NOT harassment. Refusing to let a single individual or even a whole guild’s worth of individuals into a premade-group is NOT harassment.
It might have something to do with the fact that you bot. Literally, you unstealth run up to me in BG’s.
Please Zeta we are making you a spot assuming your honor because you are not answering anyone, everyone trying to get you out cause you are using your bot all time and we are tyred that blizzard did not do anything about it
am i supposed to try 110% in pug vs premades when the rest of my team gave up too? pvp bots only afk in the bushes at stables
Your rank 12-13. Why wouldn’t you try? Your a rogue, go get a solo kill.
Probably the right move, botters are hard to work with because just running the bot longer is no loss for them like it would be for a real person.
I’ve heard of two players on my server that got to rank 12 or so botting/afk. They didn’t keep it though.
Zeta please,
1- all alliance honor cap brackets are high cause you are using a bot and is super hard to compete against a 24/7 but non stop playing (everyone knows it ever horde has complied about it)
2 - You are getting to GM cause we are tired of it and we are estimating your honor and letting you getting there cause blizzard did not do anything about it
Grammar my friend.
You cannot be serious.
See this sort of behaviour is why I despise the classic community, and probably a fair chunk of the reason you don’t hear anyone talking about how great the community is (unlike during the pre-launch hype train). There are too many control freaks that want to dictate how everyone else plays the game.
Quote the whole thing. Not selective bits.
Lying to your battle buddies is jerk behaviour that should be socially punished and botting is against the TOS and should be banned.
I keep seeing Zeta in BGs when pugging on my alliance. If I notice botting I will absolutely report and tell the rest of the BG to do so too. Blizzard seems like they might be caring about botting again. Botting is disgusting and botters should be banned for 6+ months IMO.
This is not true.
It really doesn’t make them look any less delusional.
Really? Because premades have rules, and those include obeying the honor caps. And botting is wrong. They don’t sound delusional to me.
who’s tried talking to me? u all stand around inspecting my honor all day but you dont say anything except emote laughs when im afk. u know i dont have whispers turned on because you spam me harassment, i told u all in your discord before you banned me.
u know what my honor is because you inspect me all the time. if you want me done u can get less, if u want to gate keep me i can keep going, im not stopping at some number for you because last time i tried that it was a scam to derank me with a fake honor cap, if i dont get enough rank it will be because i dont get enough not because i get tricked by you into not getting enough again
Again, someone who thinks that trying to get people to work together to lower the grind times of EVERYONE simply doesn’t understand what is actually going on…or is willfully misinterpreting it.
Remember this part:
If you agree to honour caps and break them that’s one thing. But I’ve seen this dumb bovine admit to tracking down people who aren’t part of his crew and badgering them about bracket breaking, and reporting them to their guilds for it.
I think you can see that the reaction to someone like Zeta is to allow them to just pass through the system. And even from Zeta’s reply you can see trust is broken and that’s the only resolution available.
But you can’t expect people to be so sanguine about someone who has actively broken the TOS by botting. Someone who lies about their honor and edits the addon database folks commonly use to cover for their lies. Or someone that has been on your premade with you under agreed upon terms and then goes back on them. That’s Hatfield/McCoy stuff. People are going to be pissed.
The lone pvp’er who grinds it out via pug and darn the consequences is respected. The freeloaders who want to keep their cake and eat yours too? Not so much.