If you despise MONKS let us know!

We’re not going to patiently wait every Wednesday crossing our fingers for a response, this is how you get ignored.

Time and time again Blizzard has proven they will ignore Monk feedback and they will wholeheartedly launch patches with Monks in a broken state only to have to hotfix or some cases not fix them at all.

So why would we wait?

I remember being told “WE would rather you not play Demonology”.


They still have unfinished legendaries on the beta, which means they’re still working on the class. I’m playing one on there currently.

If I was the developer, i wouldn’t say anything either until changes are finalized and bug-free. We dont want to run into another no man’s sky with false promises.

To be fair having legendaries unfinished and having 22 levels of your spec unfinished are two very distinctly different things. One is just an item, and the other is the core function of the spec.

It’s practically the only saving grace that a change of some kind is even in the works because they’re either filling out the spec, or they’re releasing it in an unfinished state. As much as I want to harp on how awful Blizzard is sometimes, I’d still believe they wouldn’t launch a spec unfinished like that… but who knows.

… I mean they have outright butchered specs on purpose in the past.

Even ignoring the 38-50 filler, we’re still one of the only specs that have 0 level 50+ passives.

Hasn’t stopped them from doing it already in the first place.

Things I love the most don’t seem to get updates… Like Survival…

while things I hate seem to get updated a lot… like Druid’s Fae ability


I mean I don’t think we’re asking for much, this thread isn’t about reworking Monk, its about fixing bugs old and new.

Fixing bugs is literally their job it shouldn’t be a big deal for them to give us a “We’re working on it” I mean hell Ion Hazzikostas literally posted on Twitter 7 hours ago about scaling not working correctly with the level squish and it was on their agenda to fix.

If they’re still working on things how are we at a tuning phase? Are we tuning the broken nonworking bugs

I wanna see a blue post tomorrow addressing some or even all of our monk problems. It can even say they’re working on addressing them. I’d also like our covenants to stop being bugged so we can actually test them.

Give us something. Monks are tired of being unfinished or broken every expansion.


I want to see goblin worgen, and the implementation of 2h ww. If those come atleast it’s clear they are looking ahead, rather than just looking past monk. I don’t expect to have a plethora of age old bug fixes, but if they are looking at monk then those things may eventually get sorted as they push new content and start looking for feedback.

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I’ll be here all day, watching and waiting. It’s beta patch day, hoping for something good. We will be heard if we keep our voices going.

I haven’t been keeping track, roughly what time do beta patches usually drop?

I haven’t been keeping super close track either, but I recall last weeks was around…3 pm eastern, I think. So around noon pacific.

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Despise? No. Loathe, abhor, and detest? Absolutely.

Feral usually isn’t that bad. They get done in by difficulty and very poor community perception.

And a lack of distinguishing utility for a melee spec,

Feral has some utility. I personally think it’s a real pity that they have to get out of cat form to cast Rebirth. They should be able to cast it in form, like boomies and bears can.

Feral does need some love. Having 4 specs in a single class makes it rough for them.


They have plenty of utility. Specs shouldn’t bring unique utility anyways because it then becomes mandatory.

They should be doing more dps though. They are never bad, but given how difficult the play style is in comparison with other specs there should be some gain, not just keeping your head above water on the meters.

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Monk updates!


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This post didn’t age well.

Confused as to what you mean