If you could which villian faction would you join?

the Scarlets
Crusade, Onslaught, Brotherhood, whatever. Human faction names all sound confusing to me

Oh yeah, Druids of the Fang existed for a second, didn’t they. Snek and plant was pretty nice.

If I had to consciously choose a villain faction, I’d probably just be a pirate. Not because I care about what kind of story they’d have, but think of all of the racial options you’d have available to you. They take just about aaaaaaanyone. Just about the entire current roster of playables from both sides, and then you include things like gnolls, saurok, naga, etc. Are there any drakonid pirates? That’d be a fun choice.


Sea of Thieves has taught me that I’d be a pirate cook that punches sharks in the face so I can eat them. My crewmates go cause problems for other ships, I patch holes that keep getting shot into the side of the ship while I’m just trying to fry the several dozen chunks of meat I’ve collected.


Army of the light since they are the faction most likely to do any sort of damage/justice to the Horde.

Although them being ‘villians’ is a matter of perspective.

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Someone failed to read the title and OP. They asked to leave the whole Horde vs Alliance nonsense to the side. Yet you just had to comment about joining the Good Guys to beat up on the horde.

I don’t know who’s worse, you or Zerde, least his responses are meme worthy, you seem to believe everything you type though.

As far as joining evil factions go…I would probably be willing to join the Scourge. I was going to say the Void Lords, but being insane doesn’t sound like its any fun and your own forces are likely to turn on you if not properly motivated/controlled


I would probably have joined Helya- if she wasn’t in league with the Jailer- and basically to put down the Kyr… uh… Valarjar and Odyn. Unfortunately, Helya made herself a bigger target by attacking people who had nothing to do with Odyn.

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Yessss join the scourge.

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Arthas’ version of the scourge, not Mr.McBBQs(Bolvar) craptastic version


Probably the Cult of the Damned.


It’s kinda hard to be truthful about who I want to join when I’m also being given a restriction about not involving the Horde/Alliance.

The OP asked which villainous faction I wanted to join and I said Army of Light and I gave an exact reason, to finally see the most glaring plot hole in this game be resolved, the Horde receiving actual punishment.

And she asked nicely to leave the horde and ally stuff on the backburner, but you couldn’t just help yourself.

It’s supposed to be a fun little topic. Not everything has to do with your raging hate bone for the horde


And? I am having fun.

Nah, your doing it on purpose to derail the thread

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The San’layn.

Although I guess that technically makes me Scourge.

Right now I’m digging the House of Rituals, maybe because I’ve always been a fan of Warcraft liches and KT is one of my favorite lore figures. Looking forward to the next chapters of the Necrolords.

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You’re the one who replied to me lol. And I made no mention of whether or not Alliance or Horde are villians. If someone said they wanted to join the Old Horde or Grimtotem or something to attack the Alliance that’d be fine.

One of the main purposes of why I want to leave horde and alliance out of it is to put some shine on groups that don’t get as much discussion (in comparison to the main factions at least). Like twilights hammer, flame druids, heartsbane coven or the various other factions that people mentioned or haven’t been mentioned yet. Which isn’t going to happen if it becomes a faction debate.

Speaking of which. I would totally join the Heartsbane coven. I loved them in Drustvar. Them and drust were the only good thing to come out of BfA :gift_heart:

In my opinion anyway :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Iron Horde. Garrosh was a cool leader. Enslaving molten giants, krakens, magnataurs. I guess that’s more of the “true horde” but I love the Iron Horde tech too.
Also I have a little fan story where Garrosh teams up with the Trolls of Zul’Gurub and assists them in rebuilding a troll fortress that matches the ferocity of Orgrimmar.

Or the naga. I loved the quest in Vash’jr where you could play in a quest.