If you could take any franchise and make a WoW style MMO?

I wonder if they are limited too, because it is marketed towards children. A Poke’mon game with more social features would be ideal, and makes sense in 2021. I’ve been playing their games since Red and Blue when I was in elementary school so I still play them mostly out of nostalgia. A lot of my criticisms for the more recent games (X & Y, Sun and Moon) would probably be non-existent if you took the kid factor out. I don’t think kids and online gaming always mix.

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End boss would be congestive heart failure by way of lasagna.


Off Topic: Omg I love your name. Please tell me it’s an Arnold reference.


I was going to say Pokemon for the sake of it.

But Avatar TLA is an amaizng idea, or Golden Sun, though these guys are more overpowered.


In the same vein, I’d play the heck out of a Traveller Third Imperium MMORPG. You could start in 1105, and your first expansion could be the Fifth Frontier War.

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I have never played or done anything with 40k outside of watching some videos on youtube, but the Astartes videos are what got me interested. I’m sure most of us have seen them by now. Looks like the originals were pulled.

The universe is expansive enough that it needs something to pull it together. Any 40k game I have seen so far looks kinda… meh. Maybe I’m missing it.


Great to see another Battletech fan around here. That would be fun.

As for other franchises, Starcraft would be nice. Another would be the Forgotten Realms D&D setting. But not the later stuff and the dumb time skip. 2nd/3rd Edition era stuff before WOTC ruined the setting for me.

I love SWTOR, but a Star Wars MMO set during the Rebellion Era like SWG would be great.

And, well, I would love to see the world I created turned into one. Imagine you can play as a human, elf, dwarflike race, or my version of the races in the Burning Legion (Succubi, Imps, etc), but not a two-faction game. Just one faction where you can earn reputation no matter your race with the others.


Mass Effect.

The franchise already kind of has the “Dungeon and Raids” type vibe, with epic dungeons like Lair of the Shadow Broker, as well as raids like Virmire, the Collector Base, and the Citadel Archives. The “All Hands on Deck” moments in Mass Effect were honestly quite hype when they happened, and I think an MMO that actually captured that vibe with its raids would be awesome. Something like the Suicide mission where you have to split up into two squads, only to synchronize together for a “hold the line” type scenario, and then everyone working together to take down a Reaper… hoo boy, that would be nuts.

Will never happen after their hopes were dashed with Anthem, but a man can drema.


It is! And thank you:)


Need me a Dragon Age mmo (as if my name didnt make it obvious). I want to play a blood mage and run away from templars :crazy_face:


I named my TBCC character Jarvia.

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Don’t need to see no 100 ton Atlas jumping up and down and wall humping a pillar


I’d totally run around as an Asari biotic.

Or a Krogan and just headbutt things.


As much as I would love this… you just know Omega is going to get turned into the Space Station equivalent of Moon Guard.

A good Matrix MMO would be tight.


I can see/hear it now.

“Welcome, Sports-Fans to the Solaris Arena. I’m your host Duncan Fisher and today we have an exciting match of… two Atlases trying to BLEEP a skyscraper while dodging AC-20’s. Seriously what in the world is going on… why in my day we took AC-20’s on the chin and asked for more!”


Oh man, nevermind… Pokémon is my second pick!


Warhammer fantasy, elder scrolls or VtM.

Assassins Creed. Ubisoft already has the assets for a modern day portions of the game with The Division and Watch Dogs Assets. You can have Templar vs Assassins skirmishes in the cities where players need to collect resources to be able to access Animus machines throughout the cities and go into the historical sections of the game.

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