Blood Death Knight + Protection Paladin = Juggernaut
DK and Warlock specifically Unholy and Demo so I can have even MORE MINIONS!!!
But in all seriousness probably Rogue and Hunter.
Demon Hunter + Hunter = Demon Hunter Hunter
deathknight and priest.
battle death priest
Lumomancer spec for Mage so I can play Holy and Arcane on one character.
DK and Warlock to get a Necromancer or Fell Knight. And Vampire!
Shaman and Warlock for proper Witch Doctor.
Loving all the combos! Let’s keep it going during maintenance today.
DH/Druid was one I saw that I like a lot.
Rogue + Hunter.
It’d be an actual bard class, or similar to Lone Wolf Hunter, a petless ranger that relies on thrown weapons and is fully ranged, like an actual ninja.
Throwing stars and knives, and other abilities making buffs for the party, a DPS/support hybrid I suppose.
It’d have some kind of theme tying the whole thing together, like how Monks have that Asiatic theme going for them.
DH and Hunter. Then I could have demon animal pets and a viable range damage build!
DH/Hunter would be great. I could finally play DH like I originally wanted to, from range
I would love a necromancer so perhaps Warlock/DK or Mage/DK
Warrior + priest into like a holy warrior of some kind.
I think that’d be pretty cool.
Demon hunter + mage into this demonic spell caster. That’d beal awesome too.
It would be a Mid Range Spec that leans on the support aspect. Except instead of buffing the group, they debuff the enemy. Situational abilities that have Short-ish cooldowns.
Still uses melee attacks like current survival, but the Aspect of the Eagle buff is just Full time and allows the class to play at 25 Yards and called Long Reach.
Reduces Damage Enemies Deal
Increases Damage Enemies Take
Increase Healing Taken by the Group
Interesting abilities like Weak Spot: The hunter finds a weak spot on the enemy, increasing the enemies chance to be critically struck by 20% and increases Critical strike damage on the enemy by 10%. Lasts 12 seconds. 60sec CD.
Or Poisoned Bomb: Coats the enemy in poison, causing attacks against the enemy to have the chance to deal X additional damage. Since its basically a flat damage proc, it makes tuning easier. Just tune up or down the damage caused by the proc. Not the impossible task of balancing a primary stat increase for all group members ect.
Basically take everything that Aug does wrong, and what makes Aug difficult to balance, which is buffing the group or group members, and flipping it around. To debuffing the enemy/enemies.
It is a half baked idea, but could work.
I want a holy priest mixed with a demon hunter.
I’d love for the light to cure my demon hunter like it would illidan
Transforming into an angel instead of a demon.
Just the light using the demon hunters as warriors to fight the void
demon hunter/ priest -angel form
demon hunter/warlock - obvious reasons
demon hunter/ rogue - stealth demon hunter would be cool
demon hunter / Dk - only cause it sounds like it would be a cool mix
Frost doing double damage?
You just might be able to keep up with that DH or Lock now!
Mage/Paladin. Spellblade.

What would it be?
I would love to fling my arcane empowered shield all over the place. Dual wield staff and shield is a must!!!
Rogue/Mage. Arcane Trickster let’s do it!
You’re speaking my language!