Survival Hunter + Assassination Rogue
All about tracking down and eliminating large monsters.
Mage n dk.
Mage + Warrior = Spellblade
These two going against each other could be very interesting to see…
Put the Demon Hunter back into Warlock
im just thinkin more of a spell caster version of a dk, thats not a necromancer.
I think Shamans are already the perfect class with relatively high defense, and caster or melee depending on your mood.
Maybe some kind of plate wearing shadow magic user, like a Spriest+Paladin or Warrior or something
Druid and Warror or
Druid and monk
Paladin and DK.
I don’t mean any of that “I am dead but my conviction in the light is so strong I hold onto it”, but more the absolutely twisted notion that Anduin went through. What Bolvar was supposed to be, what Uther was supposed to be.
Someone whose soul is quite literally split between the two forces fighting against each other whilst all wielded as one by one singular user. Think… Varian’s swords when they are able to split and become two, but one absorbs the Light and the other takes on the nature of Domination magic and together they fuse into this “song and dance” version of what Arthas was, and what he could’ve been. What Uther was, and what he became.
… and poor Bolvar who instead was just lit aflame and really just lost any potential to have this kind of an amazing storyline behind what he became.
DH/Pali for tanking fun
For PvE DH Druid
For PvP Druid Rogue (Assassin hots with ridic hots amiright)
DH and Pally
Druid and warlock
warrior and mage
rouge and priest
Shadow Priests with Paladins, give us Void paladins or idk Void Knights. Either that or Blood DK and paladins and give us blood magic wielding knights that can use shields like that Blood knight class they added to Diablo Immortal, vampire paladins that could self heal and maybe heal allies by ripping the blood out of their foes
Monk + Druid
Monk + Rogue
Right a warrior with some rogue abilities
I’m listening.
As for myself, I’d think Paladin/Druid would be interesting.
Druid and Evoker.
how would that work?
well, first, all the race options are the visage form.
second, the caster version is much like the evoker is now. Dracthyr
the Bear form is a bulky dragon, like, imagine werebear with wings, a dragon tail and head.
the cat form is like a shorter Dracthyr but with like monk melee animations mixed with the dragon ones. imagine fluid movements centered around the target, and modified abilites such as seismic toss (charizard) Bites with 1 second daze effects at max combo points. shorter cds on wing buffet (30 second. combines with typhoon) and a shorter tail swipe so it becomes almost as rotational as Aug knock up ability (forgot name)
ah, add in a flavor option for tree form, also a chosen id such that its default leaving from to avoid loosing a cd. or take the form off the GCD so it could be active all the time. this would basically be a fae Dragon, like Bright wing. you heal allies. Friends be healed~
Travel form personal could be Dracthyr flying. Travel mount could be a full Dragon form, similar to sandstone drake but more visually like the dragon riding mounts.
aquatic form could be a Sea serpent dragon
/let Dragons be more like Dragons, let them fight like Druids.
/let Druids have Dragon shape shift options.
Warlock and Mage without a second thought specifically Destruction Warlock and Fire Mage for like the double fire thing.
war priest
Hunter + Druid
Monk + Rogue
One of those two.